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Old March 4th, 2003, 10:08 AM   #5
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Moderator
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I did the same Spiller. I read the first line of the synopsis of it, and I can't wait.

I read on the other boards though that people have remembered something over the three parts. The plants, that are so crucial to the Scarrans, John says they grow like weeds on Earth. So that's possibly a thing for the Scarrans.

And the question now remains: Will John give Scorpy wormhole technology? He does have Aeryn now.

And Harvey, what fun to find out he's always been there, and it was John who brought him back in some way. *sniff* This is not fair that next week is the last ever Farscape episode (for a while). I still prey for a mini-series or a fifth series, or Farscape - The Next Generation
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