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Old March 14th, 2003, 06:07 PM   #12
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Yeah, take it private guys. Whatever you do is your own business, but the official 3DG position on that kind of thing is pretty clear. As a mod, I have to support that position, so, yeah

Anyway, wow! What a great ep! I was quite happy with it. The only disappointment was not getting to see Grayza's carrier and Katratzi slug it out. That would've been cool! Anyway, I still want to know what Scorpy's angle is. And Sikozu is a bioloid. She's not part of some resistance, or anything like that, she is. I just rewatched last week's ep, and she actually says, after the eye thing, "How many other bioloids are here?" Meaning, she is one. Her bit about being genetically engineered is a bit of an understatement It's true, but one of those half truths.

And Aeryn released the baby's stasis! Woot!

Everything is looking up. Of course, if they follow the S3 pattern, everything looks up at the end of the second to last ep, and then everything hits the fan in the last one. Damn POS SFC for canceling the show. They're blowing their money on crap like Riverworld and their Children of Dune miniseries instead of sticking to their original commitments. Sure, I'll watch CoD, but I'd much rather watch the 5th of FarScape.

Anyway, 10 from me!
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