Okay, guys and gals - it's time to decide on a couple of small projects for us to start off with.
I'll take any suggestions, as long as they're relatively short (think no more than 5 minutes).
I'll start the ball rolling...
1. Of Mice and Old Men - This was a strange little piece that I wrote almost ten years ago, during a study hall in High School. It is the tale of three blind, opera-singing mice, who are singing in a farmer's field. The farmer, fed up with hearing opera all the time, gets his hunting rifle and picks them off one at a time. (It's funnier than it sounds - especially when the mice are talking to each other.) Anyway, it would be a very easy project to start with, since there are only four characters - the 3 mice and the farmer - and only two "sets" to construct; the field (nothing but tall grass, or corn) and the farmer's house (of which we only see one room.) Aside from that, we just need a hunting rifle. Also, the characters could be very cartoonish in design, which would make the modeling easier.
Here's a link to the full story:
2. The second idea has only two characters, and two settings. It takes place in a parking garage at night, as a young woman is heading to the elevator. She's chased through the parking garage by a mugger, who corners her in the elevator. She warns him not to get any closer, but he forces the doors open and enters the elevator. As the doors close, we hear a scream. Cut to another scene, as we see a pile of bloody clothing - we also hear a radio news broadcast of "yet another unidentified male" found brutally murdered in a parking garage. As we pan to the young woman, sleeping peacefully in her bed, we see a trace of blood on her lips.
This one would be a bit harder to do, in my opinion, since the character models would have to relatively realistic (unless we did 2-D cell animation, which might be cool.) However, I think it could have more of a "cool factor" than the mice.
Anyway, those are my first two ideas. I'd love to hear more!