Hey, I'm a christian fundameltalist and I'm not backward minded. I'm progressive! I think women should be allowed out for an hour a day! etc!
But seriously, I am something of a fundie, but what a lot of people mistake for fundamentalism is really just human bigotry hiding under another excuse.
And I think it's ironic, personally, that you used the language of so-called fundamentalism to decry it. "The problem is those christian fundamentalists". Substitute "Those gays," "Those niggers," or "Those jews" and see how far you get in life.
Is it alright to hate one group when you're telling them not to hate another? The christians are taught, usually, that the first and most important commandment is Love. (I have to point out here that love does not equal liking, so I can love people and not like them; love them as humans that God wants to save, but not like them as people that are frankly not my cup of tea). If you do not see any love in what a christian is doing, then by definiton they are not holding to the fundamental article of their faith.
So I would advise you, as an acquaintance, don't fall in to the trap of bigotry in order to show up a bigot. You can't fight fire with fire, no matter what anyone says.