Thread: Intolerance
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Old August 2nd, 2004, 10:46 AM   #13
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According to the christian faith, the homosexual act is a sin. That is, sleeping with a man is a sin. Loving a man isn't a sin, but the sex bit comes under the more general sexual immorality, which is also pretty much prohibitied. We're talking about prostitution, bestiality, adultery and promiscuity as the major sexual sins. This isn't to say that once you do these things you're condemned for all eternity, but it involves a certain amount of self control...

No, the issue isn't even the physical. It's the purity of the heart. I truly don't know what to think here, since my own experiences are somewhat jumbled in this matter. Whether or not God condones a truly loving homosexual relationship, I can't know. Maybe he does. He hasn't told me. All I can do is go off what's in the bible which is what he has told us in the past, and which mentions the act as being a sin.

Now, you might think this is all just heterosexual white protestant Graham talking out of his prejudice. It isn't. I am in fact a bisexual - and this is the first time I've told anyone, so be gentle... I practice what I preach, though.

Anyway, as I said, it's about purity of the heart and soul. God wants a certain attitude in the people he takes with him to god knows where after we all die. There's some sort of incomprehensible plan that requires us to choose, consciously, to follow him or not. I actually doubt that a lot of these so-called 'fundamentalists' will see God on the other side of death; more likely they'll be right there with tax collectors and telemarketers. (this is a joke. Mostly.)

See, the thing is, God isn't required to conform to our rules. He can pick and choose who he wants to take with him and who he leaves behind. The hell that people popularly imagine to be controlled by the devil was actually supposed to be a place for that particular nasty to be punished. It isn't meant for man, as you might see when you read your bible. No, where Man goes when the world ends is to something called the "outer darkness", really just a place completely removed from contact with God. You might think that isn't so bad, but here and now we have something of a latent spiritual connection to God, whoever or whatever he might be. This is what we thrive on. Without that we become, I suppose, something less than human, but still knowing what we are. But, ultimately, we can't know what will happen after we die. It requires the faith that so many people, so many supposed christians, like to pretend they have.
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