Thread: Intolerance
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Old August 2nd, 2004, 04:46 PM   #14
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I'm bi too, and I honestly think that God looks down on us all, knows us, like Santa would.
if he ever existed

Sorry, put that in a spoiler tag. Didn't want to hurt a kid's feelings or anything.

Anyway, I think he decides who'll go and who'll go to hell. To be honest, I believe there is a God, I believe that I don't need to go to chuch to show my dedication, nor sell bibles at the door or force people to take a religion up, that's why we're individuals, we have the right to decide what we should do with our lives, and that's what makes us, and decides our eventually fate at the end of the day.

Desert or Heaven? Still feels like a desert in here!

And btw, I'm sure God's gonna send me to Hell, as I usually take his name in vain, usually "God in Hell!" Sorry!
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