Thread: Intolerance
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Old August 2nd, 2004, 05:34 PM   #16
General Phoenix
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Is it just me, or is there something funky with the last post here...

EDIT - Okay, it seems that the SPOILER tag is FUBAR. I'll have a look to see if I can figure out the problem.

EDIT #2 - AH HA! It seems that whoever added the SPOILER tag (I'm hoping it was Fabs, since only he and I have access to the CP) forgot to close the last TABLE tag, which messed up each post after the SPOILER was posted.

Which means that this text shouldn't screw up the rest of the page. It also means that I am a Forum God...
-= 3D Gladiators Administrator Emeritus and Long-Suffering Dallas Cowboys Fan =-
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