Thread: Intolerance
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Old August 3rd, 2004, 03:32 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by General Phoenix
I do that a lot myself - I type for several minutes to create a thoughtful, informative post, then decide that it probably won't get a reply or it'll just be misinterpreted, so I delete it.
That's what he says to make himself look clever, but indeed, he can't string together a few sentenances without getting stuck :P

And you're also right (different topic now, see how I intergrate both), I think that the bible has been read and reread and altered and rephrased, and updated, changed into different languages - It feels like Chinese Whispers.

Plus, that takes me to another point. How do we learn other people's languages, if we never know what certain things are? I always wondered that. How did we learn that bonjour was hello in French, when it could be "how are you?" or "isn't it a lovely day" or "yoohoo"
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