Originally Posted by moovok
That's what he says to make himself look clever, but indeed, he can't string together a few sentenances without getting stuck :P
And you're also right (different topic now, see how I intergrate both), I think that the bible has been read and reread and altered and rephrased, and updated, changed into different languages - It feels like Chinese Whispers.
That's why people keep making new translations. The latest is the New American Standard Version, where the authors went back to the oldest versions of all the texts they could find and did a straight translation. It's very accurate. It also contains possible alternate meanings of words.
Me, I have a fiancée with a BA in ancient languages, so I can sometimes pull out the originals and ask her for a translation.
Plus, that takes me to another point. How do we learn other people's languages, if we never know what certain things are? I always wondered that. How did we learn that bonjour was hello in French, when it could be "how are you?" or "isn't it a lovely day" or "yoohoo"
Funny you should say that. It's used for all of those things.

It actually means "good day".
See, you start by pointing at a rock and saying "rock." Then they say "roche". After that it's easy...