Ok, I placed fourth, not even in the top 3, mainly due to the fact that everyone expected Orthographic views, even though the rules didn't state that, and one of the judges thought the actual design suxored.
I got a little pissy about the ortho thing, but wtf, time to move on....
Oh, turns out the judge that ripped up my design, was also a contestant...that bites.
Not so much that he ripped it up, but a score of 5/10 on design means to me that he just didn't like it, not that it wouldn't be able to carry out its role. To me... a judgement on design should be about the role it plays, and how it handles that role, not 'I don't like the design'... he even stated that he placed it one notch above the Vulcan ring nacelled ships. How much do you want to bet he doesn't care for those either.
Last edited by Guyver; December 12th, 2006 at 09:15 AM..