I Netflixed the series and the movie after a rave review from my partner's coworker ... I got hooked. I've heard a rumor that Joss Wheddon is trying to buy the rights from Fox to the series and market it to other studios ... He doesn't want to work with FOX any more.
The term for the "speak" is "Frontierism".

It's considered a "dialect" of the American west. Okay, I've spent far too much time researching aspects of this incredible 'Verse.
I do have a question. I work in Poser and Vue 5 Esprit quite a bit. I'd like to have a model of Serenity. I have Sean Kennedy's model but being Lightwave, the textures don't work in those programs. Does anyone have a Poserised version? I'd soooo appreciate it. Thanks.