Hello everyone!
There's a Stargate in the posting box... that's pretty durn cool
I draw a Star Trek manga comic called "Tamerlane"... I'm not sayin' it's a GOOD comic... just that it is a comic

It IS Star Trek (Based on a Saladin Class ship)...
I...erm... I started using modified 3d models in my second issue... I'm not sure whether I'm happy with it or not, but I'm working on it.
Anyway, I have been building simplified sets, simplified ships, etc (I'm concentrating on the texture maps... Ironically I don't want it to LOOK 3d... I know... I'm strange).
Anyway, I found this place whilst searching for reference models (Before I thought of using them in-comic directly). Since then, I've been building my own models...
Of course, I use Anim8or... a really low-power program... but it works on my little laptop, so it's a good thing... But it also means I can't boolean and I have no real control over my normals (I use Poser as the render engine... boy... the more I write, the worse I'm sounding...

Er... all of that to say "Hello"