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Old November 2nd, 2008, 11:10 AM   #110
Fretslayer's Avatar
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Default Re: Starship Exeter: Exeter Rising" Fan Story mini-series

Yeah, lights are also very important to selling the scene.
Lights are not my strong point but I'm working on it.

I have a few preset lighting rigs that have been working nicely for me lately.
One is a three point light set up and it seems to do pretty nice shots.

That's why it's great to have a solid team of people creating a project.
A mesh artist for the mesh and textures.
A lighting guy - sort of like a DP in flilm.
and finally an animator to make all the pieces come together.

I think one of the things that was fun for me when it came to shooting the nebula stuff was the use of gold, orange and purple lights on the ship.
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