Originally Posted by Fretslayer
I also did one other thing (I hope you don't mind EG) and that was a slight texture modification to the windows. I have a 'room' that I texture map to the windows and add a self-illumination property to. This way as the ship moves by the windows appear to have little rooms on the other side.
Why would I mind? You're using the model, so you're free to retexture it as you want. Besides, I do the same thing. In fact, the only reason I don't add my rooms to the archives is because I want to keep the archives a small as possible, so I only include essential textures.
Originally Posted by Fretslayer
If you get bored EG - how about a reImagined Klingon ship? Could be cool and would no doubt work perfectly into a short film with the other reImagined ships - hint- hint- hint- :laugh:
I started one but it was a mess (geometry wise) and needs to be rebuilt but I haven't found the strength to start over on it.
I tried to get the animation to work but Media Player won't play it and Quicktime is friggin' useless. (it freezes up on me before it can even open a movie) So, I'll have to try something else later.