Thanks guys :thumbup:
Originally Posted by evil_genius_180
Anywho, great work so far. It's always nice to see an original Trek design and this is definitely pretty original. And it's also nice to see you posting a WIP on these boards, I remember your great work from when I used to post at SFM. 
Cheers EG - the Wolf isn't popular on SFM. I have no idea why. If you're all happy with it having a home here, I'm more than happy to keep the updates coming...
Couple of side projects are gonna be tagged onto this one; first off there will be some sort of "hard-docked shuttle" in the large oval area of the shield grid on the lower hull (or saucer bottom if you prefer). I have no idea what it will look like yet, as I haven't designed it. Also, the Wolf Class has it's own unique type of escape "craft" (not pods - well not as such). They too need to be designed...
Lots of stuff to keep me busy...
More soon ;-)