Originally Posted by farshot
They probably don't like it over at SFM because you just dissed alot of designs out there based on the old Gene Roddenberry starship guidelines. I have no problem with your design, it reminds me of the Dauntless.

I only broke two, maybe three of the four rules. Believe me, there are official ships that break all four of them, lol.
I knocked up the paper blue-prints long before I saw "Hope and Fear" (heck, the UK didn't use to get Trek episodes that quickly). The Wolf is an old design - at least for me and a group of other people
Oh, and the Intrepid probably doesn't have a big exposed bank of sensors because sensors aren't uni-directional. Think of how the Ent D had its sensors arranged. The only really exposed sensors were just around the rims. It had no panels.
Besides, I doubt you need to expose sensors for them to be effective. That just makes them easy targets.
I quite agree - but then the exposed pallets must serve
some purpose, or it was a type of sensor system that was in use around the time the Intrepid & Nova (the Nova has a set of exposed ventral sensor pallets as well) were built and was later superseded by something else. (That, and I need to justify the weeks I spent building in all the greebles within those pallets. It was not fun

. I don't use texture maps - everything is built in...) The back history I have for the Wolf is that it was designed and built around the same time as the Intrepid, so I logically saw a relationship between the two (of course, I have revised the design somewhat...).
The Wolf is an explorer first and formost, and a fighter second. There would be some sort of trade off in terms of the design between those two functions - and to me the "cruiser function" in fleet combat situations is secondary to the explorer role this ship would normaly have. That's not to say that the "cruiser function" in fleet combat isn't that good, it has a similar level of armerment to the Intrepid, and of course those sooped-up sensors would allow it to serve as the "eyes" of a fleet, or long range scout.
But yes, I would agree that it's imperfect and it has vunrabilities.
Originally Posted by evil_genius_180
I don't know why they had a problem with it at SFM. I think it's a cool design and it's definitely nice to see new stuff in the Trek universe. Plus, I'm usually a fan of unusual designs.
So, if you want to keep those updates coming, I know I'd love to see them. 
Cheers, just a small one (as today is a physio day, so wont get much time in front of PC);
A very early and rough deck layout... very much subject to change...
More soon.... (including possibly some renders of my first attempt at making a mesh of this from back in 2002 - a take that was closer to the paper designs...)