More back history...
Some pics of the original 1997 design;
Pics of the revised "2009" design
LOL, yep they were done in Max (you can find the tutorial on how to do that here -> The sad thing is I was taught how to do hand drawings like this in school, but thanks to the PC age it's a technique I've lost. Or perhaps during me misspent youth I burned those brain cells out...
Now back in 2002, when i was a little younger, and 40 was a lot further away than it is now, I started playing about with 3D applications with a view to doing my own stuff one day. One of the first things I
tried to create was a mesh of the Wolf Class, based off my paper drawings. It's not good mesh, it's fairly crap actually. Looks like a five year old made it (humm, have I just revealed my mental age there?) - but I have ported into Max, so that I can see the difference between "it" and the joy it's going to become;
As I say, the design has been revised somewhat. Ignor the window layouts on the '97 version - I messed up the textures, still haven't managed to get that one down right... one day perhaps... :laugh:
Ok, free afternoon, off to work on the ventral surface some more.