There's a couple different schools of thought on the shuttlebay door size. On one hand, you don't want the internal bay to take up too much room. On the other hand, I'd rather try to land a shuttle in a huge opening than a small one. I always wondered what they would do on the Enterprise-D if the tractor beams were out and they were trying to land a Type-6 shuttle in bays 2 & 3. That thing barely fit through the doors! On the other hand, it wasn't a problem on the original E where the hanger bay was friggin' huge and you had lots of room for landing shuttles. So, long winded explanations aside, my thought it maybe cut the size down a little because it is a bit cavernous but don't make it so small that it seems unrealistic that they'd be able to land a shuttle there (maybe 3/4 its current height.)
The landing gear looks great.