Heyas, first post, and I'm hoping it's not my last

I am just getting into 3-D rendering, mostly because, I have been doing pen and paper line art for years, but my eye-hand coordination is not as good as it used to be, and I have nerve damage in my forearms/hands, so drawing accurately is progressively more difficult. Plus, I just never could draw people worth a blarg anyways. Sure, I could do the basics, but specific features for faces? Nope. I am hoping to learn 3-D programs so I can fix that whole situation, because my primary gig is, I am a writer. I write books (Got 6 copywrites so far) and I mostly wanna do this for book reference shots and such. So I can establish for myself and my readers, in the book art sections, what my characters look like, and do mood scenes, and such
On to the question. I could really use idiot-level lessons in Poser 7 and the latest version of Daz. And when I say idiot level, I mean, Forest Gump couldn't screw it up. My problem isn't that I'm dumb mind you, My problem is, I tend to over-think things, and make them more complicatd than they need to be.
So, if anyone could point me to links to tutoriuals, here, or elsewhere, that have tutorials I could use, I would really appreciate it. Thanks