December 23rd, 2010, 11:15 AM
Re: New Member Welcome Thread
Originally Posted by catherine3678a
Thank you ... and I'm very happy to know that I'm welcome to put clothes on the models! I love making textures and one needs clothes to show those off.
Clothes are always needed. Naked people on alien planets is a niche market. 
Yes I felt quite encouraged by Fretslayer ... even opened Carrara this morning. Loaded a couple of items, applied a couple of shaders .. and clicked on another item ... and zap! Got part of the item showing up as like a skeleton framework??? Gonna be a long process learning that program.
Thanks for the compliment. If you can take a screen shot and share it with me, I can help you resolve the issue. It's probably something quite simple. I've had Carrara do that to me in the past but it was because I accidentally deleted part of the model. Carrara, once you get the swing of it, is a really awesome program. I do 90% of my character animations with it and until I started working on my current project, I did 100% of my animations with it.
As to the downloads, sigh ... Poser and D/S do not open Lightwave ... so I put a request on a couple of items there ... we need .obj files at least to import into Daz Studio. It is a little fussy as to what it likes or not with .obj files but lightwave is a complete no-go. Also, for anybody converting objects for DazStudio and/or Poser ... these are "little" programs ... people are "little" ... programs are designed for "little" objects, not 100s of mbs please. Aim for under 10 mb. That's not a fixed figure ... have loaded files over 100 but they are definitely more problematic. ty
While it is true that Poser and D|S cannot open a Lightwave file... Carrara can. I do a lot of converting from every other type to Carrara/D|S/Poser and I use Deep Exploration for it. Some models come out larger than others but that has more to do with the original artist's model than anything else. Taranis however it awesome at cleaning up the poly count on them.
I looked for tutorials under the Daz3d/Poser ... found absolutely nothing there. Did I miss a link or is it waiting to be started? BTW, "Daz3d" is the name of the company. [some over there are rather hyper about this] The program is DazStudio, D/S for short.
There may not be any tutorials for those apps yet because we've only recently started getting enough users of them to warrant having them in the tutorials section. I'll do a few for Carrara (I have C7pro and C8pro) and I'll make sure that whatever the tut is, it works with both versions. And Yes, a lot of people get the name of the company (Daz) confused with their products.
edit: for the Tutorials, "Other" ... might I suggest Hexagon. Many people just acquired that program recently when it was on sale for $1.88 for a day ;-)
I've done a few models in Hexagon but it was a long time ago and when I fire it up now, it looks bizarre to me. There are a few people I know who do model in it so I can ask them if they'd like to do a tut or two. $1.88? Wow, that's a heck of a deal! :thumbup: