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March 3rd, 2003, 03:09 PM
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Moderator
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We're So Screwed, Part 3: La Bomba
Well, go for it Brit fans. Oh, and Mike!
March 3rd, 2003, 03:13 PM
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Moderator
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 938
I didn't think it was as good as the other parts. Part 1+2 was my favorite, but Part 3 we got a few answers.
The bomb bit was good, and the real Stark is BACK!!! I thought, just to be mean, they would leave it on a sort of cliffhanger, but they didn't. So, the last one, whatever will happen, will hopefully be big and huge and great!
Plus, I like how we finally discovered what funny woman who I can't remember her name, the one who walks on walls, is actually genetically engineered. And kissing Scorpy at the end, EUGH!
But, I feel sorry for John. He's taking blowing up those people a bit too harsh. I see his point though. He had a bomb and he could have killed innocent people. Poor John...
March 3rd, 2003, 03:18 PM
Yeah, uhh, right... Umm, I taped it and will try and watch it tonight, or maybe tomorrow. Hopefully there won't be a codec...I mean....tape problem  .
And the wall-walker chick is Sikozu  .
March 4th, 2003, 06:38 AM
i agree, parts 1 and 2 were better, but i still liked this one. thought the end was rather well done, and the effects were superb.
scorpy and sikozu... eeewch.
noranti seems to have a thing for stark, she keeps smiling at him... :\
chrichton... awww
oh, and ALL Kalesh can walk on walls. the others did it when the riot happened (they started firing and too kalesh people jumped up onto the walls). I'm not sure how heavily modified Sikozu is, but i thought she said she was a bioloid...?
next weeks ep... i read part of the info for it, it looks interesting!!
March 4th, 2003, 10:08 AM
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Moderator
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Posts: 938
I did the same Spiller. I read the first line of the synopsis of it, and I can't wait.
I read on the other boards though that people have remembered something over the three parts. The plants, that are so crucial to the Scarrans, John says they grow like weeds on Earth. So that's possibly a thing for the Scarrans.
And the question now remains: Will John give Scorpy wormhole technology? He does have Aeryn now.
And Harvey, what fun to find out he's always been there, and it was John who brought him back in some way. *sniff* This is not fair that next week is the last ever Farscape episode (for a while). I still prey for a mini-series or a fifth series, or Farscape - The Next Generation 
March 4th, 2003, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by moovok
And the question now remains: Will John give Scorpy wormhole technology? He does have Aeryn now.
i don't think he has to;
Chrichton: "What would you give to have those plants destroyed?"
Scoprius: "I'd give my life."
Chrichton: "Wormholes?"
Scoprius: "Yes."
but considering what happens in the next ep, maybe he will anyway, you know, so Scorpy can er... help out... 
March 4th, 2003, 02:04 PM
Umm, Arrghy, have you been able to 'watch' this episode yet? I'm having difficulties finding that 'tape'.
March 4th, 2003, 03:36 PM
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Moderator
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 938
You're so right Spiller, he did say that. I totally forgot. The last episode will definately be a cliffhanger, I suspect.
March 5th, 2003, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by Mike
Umm, Arrghy, have you been able to 'watch' this episode yet? I'm having difficulties finding that 'tape'.
I, *ahem*, watched my 'tape' just now. Unfortunatly, due to certain circumstances beyond my control, I can't really send my 'tape' anywhere... 
March 5th, 2003, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by moovok
You're so right Spiller, he did say that. I totally forgot. The last episode will definately be a cliffhanger, I suspect.
i don't think there's been a season ender yet that hasn't been a cliffhanger, and considering this was made when they thought there'd still be a season 5, it probably will be...
what are you guys talking about a 'tape' ?
March 5th, 2003, 12:15 PM
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Moderator
Join Date: Feb 2001
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Originally posted by Spiller
what are you guys talking about a 'tape' ?
Don't ask me. I'm believing that there is no such tape, cause Mike said something about codec. They're basically watching the episode on their computers, that's how they're watching it and not being in Britain. How, why, what, where, I don't really care about, but if you both have a deal going where one watches and the other watches it later, no offence, but couldn't you PM someone, instead of *cough* *Splutter* having a *cough* conversation *splutter*?
March 14th, 2003, 06:07 PM
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Yeah, take it private guys. Whatever you do is your own business, but the official 3DG position on that kind of thing is pretty clear. As a mod, I have to support that position, so, yeah
Anyway, wow! What a great ep!  I was quite happy with it. The only disappointment was not getting to see Grayza's carrier and Katratzi slug it out. That would've been cool!  Anyway, I still want to know what Scorpy's angle is. And Sikozu is a bioloid. She's not part of some resistance, or anything like that, she is. I just rewatched last week's ep, and she actually says, after the eye thing, "How many other bioloids are here?" Meaning, she is one. Her bit about being genetically engineered is a bit of an understatement  It's true, but one of those half truths.
And Aeryn released the baby's stasis! Woot!
Everything is looking up. Of course, if they follow the S3 pattern, everything looks up at the end of the second to last ep, and then everything hits the fan in the last one. Damn POS SFC for canceling the show. They're blowing their money on crap like Riverworld and their Children of Dune miniseries instead of sticking to their original commitments. Sure, I'll watch CoD, but I'd much rather watch the 5th of FarScape.
Anyway, 10 from me!
March 14th, 2003, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by McC
And Sikozu is a bioloid. She's not part of some resistance, or anything like that, she is. I just rewatched last week's ep, and she actually says, after the eye thing, "How many other bioloids are here?"
That doesn't mean she isn't part of an anti-Scarren resistance though... just that the anti-Scarren resistance uses Bioloids
And to be fair... both Children of Dune and this Riverworld thing (first I've heard of it was tonight, actually) were well into production when the first cancellation announcment came...
March 14th, 2003, 06:26 PM
wow! That was just awesome!! I apparently missed something, though.. When did Aryen say she released the baby's stasis? I must have missed something getting up for popcorn.
GO sputnik!!  I knew she was a biloid. It's no wonder she is still keeping it secret, the crew have killed two of them so far. 
March 14th, 2003, 06:30 PM
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Originally posted by Arrghman
That doesn't mean she isn't part of an anti-Scarren resistance though... just that the anti-Scarren resistance uses Bioloids
Ah, sorry, didn't mean to imply there wasn't a resistance (even though my phrasing blatantly says that). Meant to say that there wasn't a specifically bioloid resistance.
And to be fair... both Children of Dune and this Riverworld thing (first I've heard of it was tonight, actually) were well into production when the first cancellation announcment came...
Sure, but FarScape was well into production beforer either of those projects came along. Taking on those projects without sufficient funds to maintain their current ones was irresponsible.
Originally posted by Guinan
apparently missed something, though.. When did Aryen say she released the baby's stasis?
She didn't say it, but remember when she was on the Command Carrier going to the medical area, and Braca wanted to go with her, and she asked him why he wanted to watch? I'm assuming the only reason she'd go see a Peacekeeper medical officer would be to release the baby's statis 
March 14th, 2003, 07:06 PM
Ah, sorry, didn't mean to imply there wasn't a resistance (even though my phrasing blatantly says that). Meant to say that there wasn't a specifically bioloid resistance.
Just checking
As a side note, before I forget... if you haven't seen 4x22 yet DON'T go to the official Farscape BB at Scifi.com... some moron has been posting spoilers in the titles of threads there. Apparently he did the same thing with the season 3 finale last year...
March 14th, 2003, 07:09 PM
I have always been here.
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I don't grace SFC.com with my presence 
March 14th, 2003, 08:23 PM
Heh, me neither usually... but I saw that on the savefarscape boards, just giving a heads up 
March 15th, 2003, 07:58 AM
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Moderator
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 938
Originally posted by Guinan
wow! That was just awesome!! I apparently missed something, though.. When did Aryen say she released the baby's stasis? I must have missed something getting up for popcorn.
You didn't miss it. It wasn't mentioned in the episode. I really wish you Americans could catch us up, so I could say something here, but I won't, except "wait till the last episode"
March 15th, 2003, 11:20 AM
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Originally posted by moovok
You didn't miss it. It wasn't mentioned in the episode. I really wish you Americans could catch us up, so I could say something here, but I won't, except "wait till the last episode"
Well, it certainly seemed to me like that's what she was going off to do  And it wasn't stated explicitly, no, but it was heavily implied.
March 15th, 2003, 12:31 PM
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Moderator
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 938
Originally posted by McC
Well, it certainly seemed to me like that's what she was going off to do And it wasn't stated explicitly, no, but it was heavily implied.
I didn't think it was heavily implied, since in the entire episode, that was the ONLY mention, her going into it. The rest of the episode, you didn't even hear about it.
But as I say, Wait till the last episode. How do you know she hasn't stopped it? Hmmm...?
March 16th, 2003, 11:27 AM
March 16th, 2003, 11:32 AM
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Originally posted by moovok
But as I say, Wait till the last episode. How do you know she hasn't stopped it? Hmmm...?
I don't. But I prefer to hope for better outcomes rather than worse ones, even on FarScape which is notorious for being cruel to its characters
And I really hope that's not an implied spoiler, or I will have to beat you severely.
March 16th, 2003, 03:27 PM
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Moderator
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Posts: 938
Well, all I'm saying is Farscape can really be nasty. Does Aeryn really want a family? You've got one more episode left. Everything could happen within the next 45 minutes (baring adverts for you Americans).
March 16th, 2003, 03:30 PM
I have always been here.
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Of course, FarScape's trademark is being nasty  Look at the S3 ender. "You have got to be kidding me..." END. What?! No! I want to know what happens! That was just mean  All I'm saying is that I'm being hopeful, because hope is one of the themes of FarScape (well, not because of that alone, but you know what I mean). I'm also saying don't make implied spoilers about subsequent episodes that haven't aired yet
And no, UK airings don't count! 
March 16th, 2003, 07:53 PM
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Moderator
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Posts: 938
Hey, you said it. I was just telling you to consider the possibilities that Aeryn isn't human. If you can say "well, she's made the baby start the process", I can at least tell you that there's a possibility that she might have terminated it.
I could also state that its possible that Aeryn may not be Aeryn we know, or love. But again, only saying.
I would never intentionally spoil ANYTHING for anyone, without a spoiler bracket, but since I'm only letting you consider the possibilities, that isn't exactly spoiling it, nor is it not spoiling it, its just giving you possible outcomes you might have not considered fully.

March 16th, 2003, 11:23 PM
Guys, lets get back to THIS episode shall we? Save the 4x22 discussion for the other thread if you don't mind. Have some respect for those that haven't seen the episode yet.
March 16th, 2003, 11:44 PM
I have always been here.
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Exactly, for those of us who haven't seen it!  I'm among those people, Vertigo.
March 17th, 2003, 08:23 AM
Vert, no one's talking about events that happened in 4x22... only possibilities 
March 17th, 2003, 01:22 PM
I too thought Aeryn was going into the medical bay to do something in regards to the baby, but I figured trying to guess what is pointless. This is Farscape, they never do the expected and each episode is creating more questions that I'm afraid they won't answer next week.
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