Sorry for the inconvenience, but the entire server network was down. Hopefully it'll stay up now.
From the server folks:
Last Reported Problem: 24/05/08 6:05pm
Servers Affected: All
Reported Problem: Router issue causing connection problems with some ISP's.
Issue Status: Resolved 24/05/08 9:20pm
Comments: Error at upstream provider resulted in network loss. Our apologies for the inconvenience caused.
All times: GMT
In other site news: The vB style upgrade is complete. Naturally, if anyone has problems, let us know please.
Additionally, with the Gallery back in operation, so will be the original Downloads script
HERE (Betcha didn't know the recent Downloads was just temp, did ya?

"Don't worry, miss. I've got you." "You got me? Who's got you???" - from Superman- The Movie
"Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make." - from Shrek
" If not for TOS, then there would be no Trek movies, TNG, DS9, Voyager or 'Enterprise'. "
"Legends never die... They just get new Captains."
"The art of scape goating interests me." - Dauntless