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November 24th, 2001, 10:16 AM
Lip Synch?!
Hey all,
Tis my first post in 3DG, so a big HI to everyone before I go asking all my weird questions!
Ok, first up- Lip Synching. Trying to make a wee movie and I was wondering what is the best way (ok, easiest!) to do this. I have Max but a friend has Poser, thing is I dont know how to import Poser files into Max properly. Help appreciated!
Mad Max
November 24th, 2001, 02:13 PM
Formerly "Warrior" The Last Starfighter Owner
Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Rylos
Posts: 4,019
Ok... Mimic is a Poser utility program that does lipsyncing for Poser.
Poser Pro Pack is a utility program that will take your Poser setup animations and port them to either Lightwave *or* Max, retaining everything for you.
It'd be a good deal to buy both of those programs, especially if you plan on doing a lot of speaking animations.
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November 25th, 2001, 02:34 AM
This site is not set up for lip synching, but it is a good site, a little dated, for poser max swaping. Roy Riggs is one of the best at that type of stuff. http://www.royriggs.com/ WarriorDL, as always  , is right. You should look into Poser Pro pac (which is an upgrade for Poser4) and mimic for the best in lip syncing with Poser Figures.
I have pro pac but not Mimic, Poser Pro pac is great 
November 27th, 2001, 12:43 PM
Thanks to all that replied for the feedback! At least I know what my options are now!
Now all I need is to learn how to make kick-ass interiors in MAX, oh well, practice makes perfect....
Mad Max
November 27th, 2001, 04:05 PM
Raven I love you!  What a great link I have missed this one.
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