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Old January 13th, 2004, 01:34 PM   #1
valiant_warrior's Avatar
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Default Sluggish Computer, Do ya have photoshop ?

Hey Everybody !

just a little tip i thought i'd post after a reasont adventure through
the harddrive..

if you have photoshop,
and have noticed your system has been acting "sluggish"
or not quite as fast as it was 2 weeks ago.. theres a good chance
you have some serious temp files.

last night my system was frustraiting me,
she was sluggish and for a P4 2.8b with 512 ram she should'nt
be sluggish in any way.

so i thought i'd peek through my system and found some semi-hidden
temp files created by photoshop.

to find them what i did was this..
"Start" -- "Search"
"Search" -- "All Files & Folders"

"All Files & Folders" Options leaving the filename and phase areas blank,
look in any local drives.. Set the "What size is it? " to at least 50,000k - "More Advanced Options" Check "Search System Folders" "Search Hidden Files And Folders" "Search Subfolders"
leaveing case sensitive blank, then press search.


then one or more files looking like "~PST1015.tmp" could show up..
if they do, and theres more then one those are discarded temp files
and are just slowing ya down..
photoshop will create a newone the next time ya start the program
and load much faster too !.

after i did this last night, i found over 1gb in tmp files..
how about you ?

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Old January 13th, 2004, 05:19 PM   #2
General Phoenix
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I'll have to try that out...
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Old January 13th, 2004, 06:02 PM   #3
ricktu's Avatar
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those tmp files will not be making your system sluggish by themselves. They are simply temporary files sitting on your disk during a program's normal operation and are deleted once the program is shut down. If you are getting that many temp files left behind then you obviously have a problem somewhere else. They are normally only left behind by the odd sloppily programmed app or when a program crashes and is not able to close the files as it would normally do on exit. Another common way they are created is when people turn off their computer at the power switch rather than going through the shutdown procedure.

The only way that these files can impact on the performance of a pc is when they fill the remaining space on the system disk and force windows to shrink the page file size. Even 1 Gb of tmp files will only have an effect if you have no more space available. Although that amount of files is abnormal and suggest that either your system is very unstable or you are not exiting cleanly.

Also don't forget that photoshop is a very hungry program so that could also be the cause. With each new version it gets worse. CS is rediculously memory hungry.

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Old January 13th, 2004, 06:47 PM   #4
c_looney's Avatar
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I use photoshop constantly, but I didn't seem to find any of these files. Ah well, I still have plenty of hard drive space. Thanks for the heads-up though Val, I'll keep checking on this.
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Old January 13th, 2004, 08:33 PM   #5
Kakaze's Avatar
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CS also has routines in place to censor certain images. :\
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Old January 13th, 2004, 08:46 PM   #6
valiant_warrior's Avatar
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thats Disturbing..
so much for the 1st ammendment..

there was a period of unstable activity when i was dealing with
a faulty upgrade.. either way it's good to know

and i was a little suprized too that 1gb would slow the system down,
i do have a hell of a lot of space (30 outta 40gb free on that drive alone)
i think its cause it's in the "my documents & Settings" folder..

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Old January 14th, 2004, 12:21 AM   #7
Kenny_Z's Avatar
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*blinks..* time for sleep...i thought that said squishy computer...

I don't have any of those files...but I also don't have a sluggish squishy computer
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Old January 14th, 2004, 12:37 AM   #8
General Phoenix
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Stupid question here...

How does the program manage to censor images? I'm just curious how that's even possible.
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Old January 14th, 2004, 01:53 PM   #9
ricktu's Avatar
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Originally posted by General Phoenix
Stupid question here...

How does the program manage to censor images? I'm just curious how that's even possible.
It looks for identifiable patterns. For example I think one of the particular set of currencies has a series of circles in a set arrangement. All the program needs to do is watch out for that. There would be more than one set of patterns it uses per item though.

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Old January 14th, 2004, 02:50 PM   #10
Kakaze's Avatar
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For things like Euros and Pounds, it looks for, like rick said, a set of circles called the EURion Constellation.

I don't know what it looks for in the new Series 2004 US money though. Either way, you can't open them in Photoshop without going through hoops, which is complete bollocks.
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