@General Phoenix - the text is from "Ovid the Metamorphoses", very interesting. Experience a narration of Greek and Roman mythology from the Creation, to the foundation of Rome.
The text of this passage is:
Bk I:68-88 Humankind
"...As yet there was no animal capable of higher thought that could be ruler of all the rest. Then Humankind was born. Either the creator god, source of a better world, seeded it from the divine, or the newborn earth just drawn from the highest heavens still contained fragments related to the skies, so that Prometheus, blending them with streams of rain, moulded them into an image of the all-controlling gods.
While other animals look downwards at the ground, he gave human beings an upturned aspect, commanding them to look towards the skies, and, upright, raise their face to the stars. So the earth, that had been, a moment ago, uncarved and imageless, changed and assumed the unknown shapes of human beings."
my source:
@sess - mmh sounds interesting