Originally Posted by captainkirk
I think ST XI should be a Voyager movie.
cut out all the bits of the series of voyager that dont include 7 of 9
so you end up with a featue length clip show of 7 of 9 and youe sorted
mmm thats a nice thought isnt it?
As for the new ST film.........
to me the trailer looks very the new thunnderbirds movie they made
however the guy that plays siler from heros does a very good spock, but the other guy is just no kirk at all.
and i thought that the origianl enterprise (kirk era) was made and compleated in space dock yada yada not on the floor
but back to thread topic ive no idea there was another ending to nemisis
After watching this alt ending after finding it on your tube, i didnt think it was all that bad.
i mean i want the new chair.
and riker pulling the leg of the new 1st officer.
jordy look like he was trying so hard not to burst out with laughter.
but with regards to riker being given a comand,
is this really the wises course of action for starfleet?
as everytime riker has been given comand of a starship his 1st tactical desision has been to ram the enemy