November 1st, 2012, 12:00 AM
Formerly "Warrior" The Last Starfighter Owner
Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Rylos
Posts: 4,019
Re: Downloads
Originally Posted by evil_genius_180
Yeah, that happens. Old threads don't die here. They just sit and wait (sometimes many years) for someone new to come along and necro post. 
| this.

"Don't worry, miss. I've got you." "You got me? Who's got you???" - from Superman- The Movie
"Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make." - from Shrek
" If not for TOS, then there would be no Trek movies, TNG, DS9, Voyager or 'Enterprise'. "
"Legends never die... They just get new Captains."
"The art of scape goating interests me." - Dauntless