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Old June 15th, 2006, 11:36 AM   #31
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That's what I was thinking. Something new would be great, but I'd love to see the TNG cast do another movie. Plus, with Riker captaining the Titan and Worf in the XOs seat on the Enterprise and Data dead, there's room for more characters and new plots. I think it's just that they decided to call it quits but really didn't think about what they could do. I know Patrick Stewart hinted that there might be another TNG movie on the Nemesis DVD special features and he sounded like he wanted to do another. I mean, let's face it, TNG and TOS were the most popular Treks and the TNG cast is still young enough to do another movie.
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Old June 18th, 2006, 06:42 PM   #32
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Um... you did watch the specials didn't you?

If you did you'd know that Commander Martin Madden is the XO of the Enterprise, NOT Lieutenant Commander Worf...

Watch the extras again and look at the deleted scenes
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Old June 18th, 2006, 11:44 PM   #33
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Yeah, I watched the special features and deleted scenes aren't officially part of the movie. Only what's in the movie counts.

In his wedding toast, Picard talks about training his new first officer. He looks right a Worf and says to the crowd, "You all know him. He's a tyrannical martinette who will never allow me to go on away missions."

If Madden is his new XO, why is Picard looking at Worf? And who on the ship even knows Madden? In the deleted scenes, he introduces himself to Picard. That doesn't sound like someone anyone on the ship knows, or Picard would know him. Lastly, he doesn't sound like a tyrannical martinette.

What probably happened was they decided to keep the XO's spot in the established family but it was after they shot the scene with Madden. So, since they hadn't shot the wedding scene yet, they nixed that scene and did that thing with the toast. Then they put the deleted scenes on the DVD (why not, they went to the trouble of shooting it) and it came along. It looks like it was cut early because there aren't even any special effects like bridge noises or anything.
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Old June 23rd, 2006, 11:36 AM   #34
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Please bear in mind that I put very little stock in what those jackasses over at TV Squad report, and I hope this is not an exception:


I have absolutely nothing against Matt Damon, I usually enjoy his performances, I just don't see him as Captain Kirk. Anyway, that's the lattest, er, gossip.
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Old July 22nd, 2006, 01:08 PM   #35
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COOL New movie poster revealed!!

www.startrek.com today released a preview of the newly completed poster for Star Trek XI, which leads to the natural conclusion that it will in fact be a TOS-era movie. For the full article, read here: Star Trek XI Movie Poster Revealed

For some reason, probably because somebody screwed up, I couldn't get the full-sized poster to load, but I did get the desktop backgrounds to load. I'll try later to get the poster to load. Hopefully, they'll have it fixed.
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 09:50 PM   #36
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well even paramount doesnt know what the story is going to be about. Mike Okuda told us to look at startrek.com and see something cool soon.
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Old August 22nd, 2006, 11:25 PM   #37
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Yeah, a lot of people (including me) jumped the gun over that poster startrek.com released, assuming it's a TOS movie. However, upon further reflection, I realized that all it really has is the Starfleet emblem on a yellow and blue background. Every show and movie except Enterprise has had that emblem and all have had blue and gold colors.

A bunch of people over at SFM have been crying about this movie and what they should and shouldn't do. That's pretty funny since the movie doesn't even have a script yet.
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Old August 23rd, 2006, 10:46 AM   #38
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Just a thanks for keeping us posted on the movie - I know I'll probably like it no matter what era it is, but I'd like to see another TNG movie or even one with DS9 or Voyager. The idea of completely different actors isn't as appealing to me..
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Old August 23rd, 2006, 01:22 PM   #39
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I read through one of those manifestos some guy from the studio wrote about restarting the whole series (same characters different univers). And I kinda liked where he was going with it. Kinda like Clasic battlestar vs. New. Look how well that turned out
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Old August 23rd, 2006, 08:09 PM   #40
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Personally I am tired of Trek going backwards instead of fowards. They should have allowed TNG 6 movies then went on to DS9 etc. They sure do want to kill this franchise off don't they? After watching the last 2 TNG clunkers, I won't be watching this crap.
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Old August 23rd, 2006, 08:42 PM   #41
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I too would have liked to see a DS9 and Voyager film, but they would have had to do them sooner. The cast is getting kinda old. Personally I would like to see an Elite Force/ ST: Invasion film. Just throw a hazard team on the Typhon and go.
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Old August 23rd, 2006, 10:27 PM   #42
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Boy, I started a crap tornado over here, didn't I? :evil:

Cryptie, I can see you didn't like the last 2 films, but those not doing well can be blamed on Rick Berman, who is now fired from Star Trek. The new guy, J.J. Abrams has a hit TV show (Lost) and also did MI3. His vision is the revitalization of Trek, not going in the same direction as Berman. So, whatever he does will be nothing like the last 2 films at all.

I, for one, feel we should start over on page 0. Jim Kirk, Spock, McCoy and the gang on the Enterprise 1701 (no freakin' letters) with a brand new take on the classic, like morganzacd5p suggested. They should revamp the ship, uniforms, tricorders, everything to be more inline with the 21st century. I love the classic and would love to see a fresh take on it. That way, it can be sort of one of those "hey, we screwed up and we're bit enough to admit it, so we're cutting our losses and starting over" things. Then, if the movie does well, they should do a TV series with that cast based on that movie, as if the movie was the pilot.

Though I do think this new movie is ill-timed. They really shouldn't push a new movie our way until at least 5-10 years after the finish of Enterprise, so we have time to miss Star Trek.
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Old August 23rd, 2006, 10:56 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by evil_genius_180
I, for one, feel we should start over on page 0. Jim Kirk, Spock, McCoy and the gang on the Enterprise 1701 (no freakin' letters) with a brand new take on the classic, like morganzacd5p suggested. They should revamp the ship, uniforms, tricorders, everything to be more inline with the 21st century. I love the classic and would love to see a fresh take on it. That way, it can be sort of one of those "hey, we screwed up and we're bit enough to admit it, so we're cutting our losses and starting over" things. Then, if the movie does well, they should do a TV series with that cast based on that movie, as if the movie was the pilot.

Yes... Trek, as is, was good for its time, when it was created. However, back then Mr Roddenberry couldnt have forseen the extent of the changes in our world. And since the new series (TNG, DS9, VOY) had to work of the history established in the first, those diferences caused it to become less and less realistic for us. If the new writers sit back, look at series that have pulled it off right (Firefly, Battlestar), they could create something great.

...then again it could end up a pile of monky crap!
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Old August 24th, 2006, 06:14 PM   #44
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Evil, Im an old time Trekkie from way back just to let you know. I grewup with TOS then got hooked on TNG. Berman had his hands all over the last 2 clunker TNG flicks. I'm fussy about Trek. I dont take any bone they throw my way and I dont think the fans should settle for second best. They need Patrick Stewart to takeover the franchise or someone like him who would go forward. Berman is the one who wants to keep going backwards. ENTERPRISE the series sucked. Dont get me started lol. I have a very long rant about what Berman did to Trek over the years.
Too bad the fans dont bycott this next film and say enough is enough with this going back in time. Trek is about the 24th Century is it not?
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Old August 24th, 2006, 06:33 PM   #45
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OK, back to my point. Berman has been fired. Given the boot, the ax, sacked, canned, cashed his pink slip. Whatever you want to say. He will never have anything to say about Star Trek again.
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Old August 24th, 2006, 09:17 PM   #46
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(in best Homer voice) WOO-HOO!!!
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Old August 24th, 2006, 11:06 PM   #47
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Yes but, the damage Berman did is already done and can't be undone to the franchise. He had control far too long and should have been fired long before DS9 aired. And I doubt he's suffering because of it. He'll just move on to other soaps since, thats what he did to Trek over the years, turned it into a boring soap opera.

I dont understand why they dont make movies out of the Trek novels?
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Old August 25th, 2006, 01:36 AM   #48
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Yes! Movies out of Trek novels. Excellent idea. I can think of many I've read that would look great on the big screen. Just none of William Shatner's ego trip novels, those are horrible enough to read without making a movie.
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Old August 25th, 2006, 09:29 PM   #49
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I was thinking along the lines of TNG novels. I've read most of those.
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Old August 25th, 2006, 09:37 PM   #50
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Dark Mirror or Q Squared are a couple I'd like to see done because both deal with alternate universes and both would require some cool special effects. I like Dark Mirror better than what they did with that universe on DS9.
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Old August 25th, 2006, 09:38 PM   #51
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Voyager had some good ones as well
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Old August 26th, 2006, 06:29 PM   #52
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Dark Mirror or Q Squared and Imzadi would have all been good choices for movies. I liked Q Squared better though anything with Q in it is my fave or anything with the Holodeck is also good. Anything but time travel!!!
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Old August 26th, 2006, 11:00 PM   #53
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Yeah, Q Squared is one of my all-time favorite Star Trek books. I like the different universes and the way Peter David neatly answered the question of whether or not Trelane was a member of the Q Continuum. Even though it's not technically canon, it should be.
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Old August 27th, 2006, 03:18 AM   #54
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All they are gonna do is throw us another milk dud with unknown actors. I want another TNG flick!!! Q-In Law was funny as hell too. That would have made a good Q story!
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Old August 27th, 2006, 09:35 AM   #55
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I forgot all about Q-In Law! That's an awesome book. Especially when Q gives Lwaxana some of his powers. Ah, good times. I've felt for years that we needed a Q story on the big screen and you're right, Q-In Law would be perfect.

I know on the Nemesis DVD, Patrick Stewart sounded hopeful that they would make another TNG flick. Sure, they sort of wrapped things up in that movie, but they also left a door open for a sequel. For one thing, I wouldn't have minded seeing some of the Titan, at least until I saw the winner of the design contest at www.simonsays.com. That thing was horrible, it was just a huge kitbash. (trying not to rant off topic, trying not to rant off topic.)
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Old August 27th, 2006, 07:40 PM   #56
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I hate the Strange New Worlds crap. I dont like the fact the editors pick who they know, probably did that with the design contest too.
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Old August 28th, 2006, 02:47 PM   #57
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Firstly, thanks for posting the link for the Titan winner, I totally forgot about that contest.....and well, I'm appauled by their choice of winner if I'm honest. But that's a thread for another time.

I'm going to go back to the Poster discussion.......

Just looking at the poster, it's easy to see that the movie will be TOS. Only TOS and the Movies had that emblem (with the star in the centre of the arrowhead) and the TOS Movies didn't have the Red/Blue/Gold uniform designations. Plus, and I admit, this one is a little bit of a stretch.....if you look at the logo, it's got the same 'fabric' texture as the blue and gold, and TOS was the only incarnation that didn't have a metal Pin logo. So with all that, I'd stake every penny I own, that this will be a TOS movie.

I will admit, that I'm very very very dubious about this movie, if the rumours are true, Kirk/Spock movie, but if you think about it, Shatner and Nimoy have been Kirk/Spock for 40 years. It's going to haveta be something very very special if long time fans are going to buy it.

I am so very very happy that Berman got canned. He screwed Trek like no one has screwed anything before, he has almost single handedly destroyed the franchise because quite frankly, he's lazy and expected everything to get by simply on the fact that it was Star Trek, and he seemed to refuse to take risks, he was content to sit back and let Trek sit on it's backside and let everything come to it, and well, it doesn't work like that. TV nowadays has matured to the point where the audience wants to be challenged to figure out what's going to happen next (Lost, Galactica to name but two) and that's where Trek needs to go.

And now, I've begun to rant, so I'll leave it there

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Old August 28th, 2006, 08:41 PM   #58
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From what I've been reading and from what I hear most of the old timer Trekkies like myself are saying about it, it WILL indeed be another bomb. This next POS will be the end of Trek as we Trekkies know it. Trek is and always was about the future, NOT THE PAST. They pissed off Kirk's fans by killing him off so now they comeup with something even more stupid to bring him back but leaving the actor out who plays him? That is just cheap of Paramount. You want to make it a Spock/Kirk movies then make the real actors portay their characters not some unknows that nobody will want to see.

I'm not afraid to rant.

I say boycott this clunker but, of course, no one will and thats why they'll keep making POS movies because fans will always go see it no matter what.

Last edited by Cryptie; August 28th, 2006 at 08:52 PM..
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Old August 28th, 2006, 09:49 PM   #59
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All I have to say is, horrible movie or not; ALL 3 SEASONS OF TOS BEAUTIFULLY DIGITALLY REMASTERED ON DVD

*looks at DVD rack and smiles*

Who needs another movie when I can watch all of my favorite episodes whenever I want? :evil:
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Old September 8th, 2006, 12:01 AM   #60
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I was shocked when I read Matt Damon was being considered for Kirk! Please no!
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