lw to max conversion
Hi everybody,
I'm an Lightwave only user and I have got some pretty nice models done recently. Now I want to export them to max for another user. As I don't really know max, I have got some problems there. First, I did my models with MetaNurbs in Lightwave, so I will have to freeze them. I think that will make a pretty high Polygon amount...
Second is that afaik max has no smoothing textures. So when I'm exporting the freezed object as .3ds with Lightwave Modeler, I do get this look just like if you havn't applied smoothing to your textures in lightwave. You know, you are seeing every polygon...
Because my max knowledges are about the same as zero, I wanted to ask here if there are some maxers out, who could give me some tipps or information how to get better results.
I would be very pleased for some help.
Best Regards