New "Thor" Posters Highlight Gods
Marvel Studios may already be fielding questions non-stop about its forthcoming "Avengers" franchise, but before it assembles its final team, the film unit of the superhero empire first has to bring the thunder of Kenneth Branagh's "Thor" into theaters on May 6. As part of the rollout for that movie, Marvel and partner studio Paramount showcased character posters for the gods of the cast on all day today. The feature promises six such posters in all along with official bios of the characters.
"Don't worry, miss. I've got you." "You got me? Who's got you???" - from Superman- The Movie
"Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make." - from Shrek
" If not for TOS, then there would be no Trek movies, TNG, DS9, Voyager or 'Enterprise'. "
"Legends never die... They just get new Captains."
"The art of scape goating interests me." - Dauntless