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Old March 31st, 2001, 12:18 PM   #1
Derek28's Avatar
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Default Chapter 1 The Awaking Part1 scean 1 ( Diceman Project )

Chapter 1 ": The Awaking :

Setting and Place : On earth date 2010 , Thier was an accident in the medlabs Department in the Osandra ReSearch Labs Sunday Monring around 10:00 : 39 seconds .

( Sciantist 1 : Gary )

Morining sir how is your day today ?

( Sciantist 2 : Phil )

not Bad sir just running the check on tank 4 our newist clone in develinment

( Sciantist 1 : Gary )

Carry on Phil you have a nice day I am going to the rec room getting som decaf would you like some ?

( Sciantist 2: Phil )

No thanks Sir I am too exsited to becuse this is the day we bring life to clone 4 and I would really like to be on my toes .

(Siantist 1: Gary )

Well when you need me page me at 4449,0008,874 ext 409 ( for the recalibrations on the cooling couple's before you inject the dna segments

( Saintist 2: Phil )

ok gary but you can bring me back a sandwitch pellit of ham and cheese I have to right now key in the sequense to start the Osililator .

( Saintist 1: Gary )

Ok Phil I will be back then I will help you recalibtare the cooling cuopling units .

( narator : me derek )

Gayr walks to the elivator says rec room ( the elivator doors swing open he walks in )

the elivator ) the elivator starts up and takes him to the rec room ) now it is 10:59 am

( Chapter 2 to come the accident )

The Omega Qauderant Really Rocks Borg Every Where
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Old March 31st, 2001, 02:10 PM   #2
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A revised of my Chapter one Chapter 1 ": The Awaking :

Setting and Place : On earth date 2010 , Thier was an accident in the medlabs Department in the Osandra ReSearch Labs Sunday Morning around 10:00 : 39 seconds .

( Sceintist 1 : Gary )

Morning sir how is your day today ?

( Sceintist 2 : Phil )

not Bad sir just running the check on tank 4 our newest clone in develinment

( Sceintist 1 : Gary )

Carry on Phil you have a nice day. I am going to the rec room and getting some decaf coffee would you like some ?

( Sceintist 2: Phil )

No thanks Sir I am too exsited to becuse this is the day we bring life to clone 4 and I would really like to be on my toes .

( Sceintist 1: Gary )

Well when you need me. page me at 4449,0008,874 ext 409 ( for the recalibrations on the cooling couple's before you inject the dna segments

( Sceintist 2: Phil )

ok gary but you can bring me back a sandwitch pellit of ham and cheese I have to work right now on keying in the sequense to start the Oscilator .

( Sceintist 1: Gary )

Ok Phil I will be back with your sandwitch pellits . then I will help you recalerbrate the cooling cuopling units .

( nerator : me derek )

Gary walks to the elivator says rec room ( the elivator doors swing open he walks in )

(the elivator starts up and takes him to the rec room ) now it is 10:59 am

The Omega Qauderant Really Rocks Borg Every Where
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Old April 2nd, 2001, 03:00 AM   #3
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::: Narator :::
Phil walks over to a food despenser machine .. he reachs in his pockets pulls out a plastic key card ( slides it in the slot and puts it back in to his pocket ...

::: Phill :::

today's selection please .

::: Narator :::

A computers voice rings over the speaker

::: computer voice :::

Todays selection is

1. Ham and cheese sandwitch pellet 100
2. a chicken Noodel Soup powder 50
3. Chicken salad / spinish chips 10
4. Hero SandWitch Cold Cut combo 15
5. Coffee / Soda / Milk / tea / Sithinal Beer ) mixes 150

::: Phil :::

I will take selection 1 and selction 3 with seletion 4 make selection 4 coffee and tea

:::: Computers voice ::::

Despening in 3 minuts after security check

::: Narator :::

Food appires in the despencer and a slip come outs with the total of the bill ...

::: Computer voice ::::

Have a nice Day Phill

::: Narator :::

Phil walks away from the Machine with hot food and pellits in a carrying case .. he sits down at a table and opens the carrying case witht he food inside .. he grabs the Chicken salid / spinish chips sets the plate on the table in front of his face he opens the plate ( the pellets inside forms in to the food he ordered ) he starts to grab his fork when he here his pager ringing ( its Gary the other scientist ) he p takes his pager Opens the case that will revale a keyboard . and a small SCREAN . ( the message reads Phil come quick the Clone its alive and I didnt poor the Dna liquid in to his body YET ) COME quick .....

Phil puts his pager back on to his belt holder he gets up out of the table and walks tords the elevator .....

::: Phill :::

Medlabs room 101 Hurry please ?

::: Narator :::

the elevator door swings open and he walks in to the elevator the elvator brings him to the med labs floor 8 room 101 ...

::: Phil :::

Whats the hell is going on we did not start the cooling cupeling unit system recalebration YET ( worried voice )

::: Gary :::

Phil I dont know dammit this is strange the first time we are in a delema and Look at the Osclator Phil its shaking like crazy I think we are in for an explosion .........

::: Phil :::

we are going to be blown up dammit if we are not escaping the half the building will be in rubble lets escape before the count down starts ......

::: Gary :::
What about the clone ? hes moving we cannot just leave him in this green gloop in tank 4 thats murder ......

::: Phill :::

I will set the tank to open as soon as we are safly out of this area ...

::: Gary :::

Ok Phill set it now dammit ( Narator )

the computer voice comes over the inter com system interupting Gary ( Count Down to meltDown starts in 1:00 )

:: Narator ::

Gary sets the release Timer for 15 seconds

then Gary and Phill runs out of the building while the Computer counts the Count down t = :59 seconds .....

The Omega Qauderant Really Rocks Borg Every Where
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Old April 5th, 2001, 01:58 AM   #4
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Chapter Three Part 2 .......

:: Narrator ::

So gary and Phill The Scientests start to set the timer to release the clone ....

then Gary and Phil started to run out of the Building as the Melt down Timer Continues to count ( t - 50 seconds ) But in their Panic STATE They had taken the wrong Turn and went to the service elevator instead of the normal elevator ....

( Phil Ground Floor Please Make it snappy )

( Computer )

Ground Floor

( Computer Voice )

t- 25 seconds and counting

( Narrator )

Mean While in the medlabs room 101 ( the timer on the osclator sounds as the tanks top slides off and the green gloop goes down the drain the clones starts to hack and cough ( he takes his respirator off and falls out of the Tank Marked #4 ( as the computer voice continues the count down ( t- 12 seconds )

Phill and Gary Start to panic in the elavator because they Just REALIZED that they just taken the service elavator to the ground floor of the basement ( Computer Voice ) t-5 seconds and counting )

( back at the medlabs again )

The clone is in a weird awaking state and loses balance of footing falls back on to the floor with a groggy head as he hears the computer Voice counting down ) ( computer voice ) to meltdown in 2 second's

so the clone looks around as he tries to scramble to his feet once more and he does this time. He sees an opening in a shaft he runs to the shaft and gets in the shaft while he hears the building Exploding all around him .....

Mean While back in the elevator Phill and Gary try to start the elevator. They do so but its too late they reach the 8th floor and the elevator Cables and pullys GIVE WAY .... the elevator comes crashing back to the ground killing and maming the 2 sceintests ...... Mean while back in to the Medlabs The clone ( soon to be DiceMan ) escapes through the shaft but is blocked by a 10 ton Steal beam but some how makes it through. The little opening to a room he was not familiar with ... sees New shiny devices and room dabris all over the place as the building is on fire and is in rubble ...... but then he sees something that Catches his eye underneith a White Tarp ... the silhoulette was a shape of a car .... The clone walks over to the tarp and slides it off. He was shocked but there was nothing there when he pulls off the sheet / tarp ( The clone scratches his head in amazment he decided to test something and walks forward hitting the car. He grunts and steps back )

while he hit the car it does become visible for a split second as the clone stands in awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ......

The Omega Qauderant Really Rocks Borg Every Where
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Old April 5th, 2001, 04:38 AM   #5
Chris B
The Artist Formerly Known as XmESs
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makes a nice srcipt for a render movie, i think. could be a bit more specific here and there.

for a novel it is yet too rough. maybe you could work more of the details out. description of charecters, movements, etc. come to my mind.


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Old April 6th, 2001, 05:02 PM   #6
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[This message has been edited by Derek28 (edited 07 April 2001).]
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Old April 7th, 2001, 02:46 PM   #7
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Chapter 4 The break Out .......

:: Narrator ::

As the Clone scratches his he decided to look around the room to see what is going on there .....

he spots some shiny metal looking objects and a few bags of supplies ( and has a flash back of something scary, a woman being shot to death on a rainy night beside a country rural road ....)

then he walks over and stumbles abit on the rubble making his way over to the area with the metal shiny objects and the bag of supplies. But he also made one more discovery, a panel with buttons marked Test Car. He sees a button with the words that say Make visible and user freindly ( he presses the button as he sees the screen on the panel and seeing the car on the screen become visible as he turns his head around and looks while the real car becomes visible and is shocked. He thought that was an illusion ) . Then he turns his head back towards the supplies and the big shiny metal objects ..... he grabs six of the objects and four duffle bags with the supplies in them...

He stumbles back over the rubble with the stuff he's carrying, drops one of the objects then he walks over to the car and opens the car door . Then he scratches his head again not finding the trunk opener and says out load "dammit, where is the trunk opener?" The car indicator light flashes back and forth and the trunk door opens ... The clone puts all the stuff into the back seat of the car and gets out FAST, stands back and says out loud " What the hell is going on, how did this car open its trunk?" although the car looks very sexy and curvy....
He decides, oh what the hell, its just a car like its alive or anything but this new environment is weird to me its like I am in the future or something and not back in the 1960's.

So he sits back down inside the car and sits there for a second. ( Clone ) "This is nice, what type of material is this?"

The car door shuts without him shutting it, he jumps a bit. "Wow! What the hell is this Car ??"

he says out loud ....... Holy Moly what is going on ..... as he looks at the dashboard of this unique car. ( As he is thinking to him self ) holy moly this car has a lot of buttons, lot of indacator lights and some that look like computer drive bays and an serial port. Remembering the popular science book in the 1960's and sees a SHINY Chrome like card on the passenger seat marked Ignition key Card ...... he takes it and slides it into the slot where it looked like it fits and the car starts up but no sounds are comming out of no where ...... he said what the hell kind of car are you ........... ( Cars voice BIG AND BOOMING WITH A METALLIC SOUNDING VOICE ) I am The Defender X unit 01 Weapon of the future property of the oslanda Medlabs but you can call me X ...

( The Clone ) "Oh my GOD what are you ......?" "I mean how is this possible, a talking car?"
( Defender X ) "I am The Defender X unit 01 Weapon of the future property of the oslanda Medlabs but you can call me X ..."
( The Clone ) "I know that ( shaking in his skin ) I mean the cars in 1960 aren't like this at all, they don't even have a shiny paint job and can dissappear."

( Defender X ) "You are in the year 2050, tuesday, March 5th."

( The Clone ) "What the Hell, you can talk and I am in the 1960's, this must be a joke!"

( Defender X ) "You are in the Year 2050, Tuesday, March 5th ...."

( The Clone ) "I know that man, then just chill while I gather my senses ....."

( Defender X ) "Input request please ????"

( The Clone ) "I need to find out how I can escape from here before the rest of the building goes ............... any idea's car?"

( Denfer X ) "I am The Defender X unit 01 Weapon of the future property of the oslanda Medlabs but you can call me X ..."

( The Clone )

"I know that part already X but any idea's ????????? how to get out of here before we are both dead ?"

( defender X )

"I am The Defender X unit 01 Weapon of the future property of the oslanda Medlabs but you can call me X ..."

"State your request .........."

( The Clone ) "Whats this auto pilot thiny ?"

( Defender X ) "Request granted." It now switches to auto pilot, straps in the clone with the passive laser restraints system as the car busts out of the wall which was weakened by the meltdown of the medlabs but is eight floors up. The clone sees the parking lot coming toward him as the car switchs to Flymode and a little red indicator light switches ( while its wheels turn inside out and wings come out of the paneling and the rocket thrusters out of the back area. ( The clone) "Oh my god I'm glad I'm here, this car is a blast!"

( Defender X ) "Request granted." A gun pops out of one of the lights and starts blasting the ground to bits.

( The Clone ) "Stop! Stop! I didn't mean it like that, it was a figure of speech dammit ...!"

::: Narrator ::: the car stops in mid air .......

Chapter 5 comming soon

The Omega Qauderant Really Rocks Borg Every Where
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