There's this book I've been wrting on-and-off for the last... good god, 4 years!
Anyway, now and then I take an aside and work on something related to it, but often not featured. Right now I've been working on this, which is an illustration of one of the goddesses in the book, called Gidal. She's the goddess of war and death. She would appear different to whomever saw her, taking on attibutes that made them think of Death, but always she held the eternal symbol of the struggle between death and life in her hand.
And now that blather is over with...
SHe's supposed to be holding a sword in her other hand but I haven't got around th blocking that in. I've done a lot of ork since I saved this image, and I'm currently redrawing the outline to make it cleaner and less obvious. She needs a hell of a lot of work, too.
Comments and stuff welcome.