Cutting back on CGI stuff
Rant warning in effect
Ok, I had planned to get some CGI stuff, get a more modern (If much lower grade) copy of photoshop, and all that this month (I have a housesitting gig so I will hopefully still be able to do some of it maybe, but that's this month, next, I will be lucky to have a full belly all month)
The California government has seen fit to drop the paychecks of all people living off disability by enough money for a week's worth of food. More than actually. Almost 2. This, they claim, is from lack of funds. However, they aren't lowering their own fat paychecks, are still taking taxpayer-paid junkets all over the world, and still are getting their personal pet progects that cost millions pushed through. They are cutting out programs to feed children on low income families, for healthcare for those same children, but they think it's perfectly fine to hire all their pals at ridiculous salaries for cushy jobs, while not doing their own. They are cutting the school year by a week for all K-12 children, because they wont (Not can't, WONT, if they would stop being utter fricking idiots, they could do it in a month or less) pass a budget, but they are cool with taxpayer paid for limousines and all that.
Let me throw some numbers at you. It costs an average of $1000-$1100 for rent of a one bedroom appt in the city I live in. A studio Appt can be as low as $800. Disability, BEFORE the cut, paid $650. Not for rent, in TOTAL, that's for you to cover your rent, food, utilities, and what all. If you manage to convince disability you deserve a full paycheck (Meaning no cuts for living with or near family, or from being employed, or someone gave you $5 the other day) they might pay as high as $800. That's to live off of. Before the cuts.
They KNOW they don't pay enough to live off of. They will say it to your face, and be like "What, am I supposed to care?" because the disabled are viewed worse than people on welfare, who could work, but don't. Why, I don't know. But we are. And when people think to cut budgets, they look at us first, because we are viewed as worthless leeches. So sorry I am so messed up I can't work like all the normal healthy people out there that can stand on their feet more than 5 minutes, or have working brains, or can lift more than 20 lbs without feeling enough pain to make a normal person scream.