MerlinQuest Entertainment, the company owned by
BattleStar Galactica's Richard Hatch, is looking for an animated opening logo, like those used by Paramount, Warner Brothers, etc. Rather than going to a private company to design this logo, Richard has decided to sponsor a public contest for anyone interested in creating the logo!
The prize: $200 (US) and an autographed novel by Richard Hatch himself!
The entry deadline: May 30, 2004
The rules:
In order to enter, you will need to become a registered user of 3DGladiators - there is no fee required, and it only takes a few minutes. Just click on "Register" in the upper right corner of this page.
All elements of your entry must be made by the artist - NO THIRD PARTY meshes or images!
There is no particular required video format, but it would be in your best interests to make sure your entry has the best video quality possible - make sure that any text is readable. Adding sound is optional, but by no means required.
Final entries should have a running time of no more than 30 seconds.
All entries submitted will become exclusive property of MerlinQuest Entertainment.
And finally, you must include the name of the company, "MerlinQuest Entertainment" in the logo.
For specific entry instructions, just click
Richard and I hope to see plenty of great entries, so enter now!