If you click on the FILE CENTER button at the top of this page, you'll find yourself in the new and improved 3DG File Center. All the old files are still there, along with a few new ones. Wherever possible, I've placed the files in the names of their original authors, so don't be surprised if the database shows that you've uploaded files, even though you've never been there before.
In addition, registered forum users may now upload their own files - after the files are scanned for viruses, they will be made available for download - usually a matter of no more than a few hours. For the moment, the filesize is limited to 2 MB, but the limit will be raised in the next week or so (it requires a setting to be changed in the main server files, which I don't have direct access to.)
In the meantime, if you want to upload a file that is larger than 2 MB, feel free to e-mail it to me at
generalphoenix@generalphoenix.com or catch me on ICQ (#84333573) and transfer it to me directly. I'll see that it gets uploaded ASAP.