I started straight away. I had been a fan of Star Trek, due to my family loving it, and Voyager was my favorite. Farscape came on and I thought, "well, I'll watch it", and that's how it usually happens.
Buffy I did the same. Watched the first one and loved it. So, Farscape I watched it and it was soo different from every single Scifi I knew. It was new, it had "aliens" rather than people in prosthetics, and I didn't even go "well, its supposed to be an alien", I somehow believed they were all aliens (baring John of course).
It was a great concept, and I watched it throughout. I wish I didn't have to finish, and I sorta hate the SciFi channel for it, but then again, it was a good cliffhanger, maybe that's the best thing to end it on, a "To Be Continued" sign.