'Ow do all, finally got back online for awhile today, so thought you would all like to see a few bits that I've done over the last few months

I was thinking about setting up a Mars themed Battlefield 1942 mod, thou kinda gone off the idea now

,this would have been the generic base that would spread around the various maps

Just a quick pen sketch I did of a mech body, touched-up with a bit of colour in Photoshop

A collection of images that were taken from one page of sketch, cleaned up and some coloured( with Photoshop as always

) some of these idea might appear again, dunno yet

I like robots!!

(note to adims we need a robot smilie!


Some of you might remember this, a old image but I resently gave it a make over, I'm much more happy with it now

Just a wee digital painting of some nasty aliens types attacking a base in English country side in the middle of the night.

Yet another bot, this time just something for me to lean on
hope you guys enjoy me stuff, look forward to your comments, cya around