Storm: even though Halle Berry did an ok job I'd try to find some one much more African or maybe a dark Egyptian.
Bishop: a blackman but more black cuban jamacian then pure african... Densiz Washington 'could' work
the Beast: he's a toughy... somebody with a largemuscled body a little short..... i donna
Rogue: Julia Roberts or Alexandra Tydings
Psylocke: Zhang Ziyi or Ming-Na Wen i think either one could pull it off... Wen could do it easyer though because Ziyi has to much of a 'pixie' body style.
Sage: C.Z.J., or Claudia Black
Gambit: Ben Affleck
Vargas: OH what's his face from the second aliens movie... 'hicks' or Tom Cruise
the twins: heh just get two blonds from Baywatch