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November 16th, 2008, 01:52 PM
Casting Call for Animated Short
Hey everybody and anybody!
I've spent the last couple of days playing around with EG180's ReImagined Enterprise mesh and I've decided that I'm going to do a short 4-5 minute long film showcasing it.
I already have some pretty nice beauty shots done and the combat comes next.
So here's what I need if anybody would like to help.
I need people to do the voices of the Enterprise bridge crew, somebody do do a voice for a Klingon commander and perhaps somebody do voice a Romulan.
Although the Romulan isn't as important as the others.
Also some screen caps of a Klingon bridge INT would also be helpful as I've not found a mesh available online and mine sucks.
Anybody who helps will be credited along with the model builders and all of that standard stuff.
Sounds like fun to me, how about you?
If so, let me know and we can start working on the voice parts so I can begin the lip synch stage of animation.
To the modelers, if I use your mesh I'll credit you and let you know in advance so you can tell me how you'd like to be credited.
November 16th, 2008, 02:52 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Dublin
Posts: 4,918
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
Sound like a cool deal .. I have a few things to sort out over the next few days . but I do a voice .
I have not seen many Klingon interiors . perhaps that something that could be built sometime in the future ..
I will keep my eyes open for a good klingon bridge
November 16th, 2008, 02:58 PM
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
Cool deal, Thanks T.
I tried building one a long while back (even talked to EG about it for advice) but my modeling skills are just enough to make something so a guy like you (or a few others here) can go 'Ah...so that's what he needs' and then make a class act version.
I have a real cool story (just a short one) set for EG's Connie.
Anything you'd like to throw into the project is appreciated.
PM me and let me know what voice you'd like to do.
On a side note - LOL - I had to make the enemies in the film Romulans...cuz...well, you've seen EG's avatar. LOL!
November 16th, 2008, 03:11 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Dublin
Posts: 4,918
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
Yes I have  seen EG avatar .. whey the hell do you think I have Ming the Merciless
I'll have a look see if I can locate a few images of a Klingon bridge .. Cruiser or BOP
November 16th, 2008, 03:38 PM
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
Either one would be great.
I can write the story around the INT.
Cruiser is better though since it's more of an TOS (reImagined) thing.
Dude, whatever you come up with is cool by me.

November 16th, 2008, 03:39 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Dublin
Posts: 4,918
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
ok .. cool ..
November 16th, 2008, 03:46 PM
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
I'm going to throw an 'in association with www.3dgladiators.net' thing in there is that's cool with Warrior.
I don't know why it wouldn't be but still... I'll PM and ask when I get closer to done.
I figure something like this posted on a few CG websites might drive some traffic here too.
Plus, since I animate with a Daz product I can post a link to the film and here over at Daz3D and still be within any TOS they might have for their forums.
At some point I would love to have a story written by a bunch of us here, using ships shared here and 'actor' figures hosted here - animated and sent out into the wild.
That would be kind of cool I think.
November 16th, 2008, 04:07 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Dublin
Posts: 4,918
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
Originally Posted by Fretslayer
I'm going to throw an 'in association with www.3dgladiators.net' thing in there is that's cool with Warrior.
I don't know why it wouldn't be but still... I'll PM and ask when I get closer to done.
I figure something like this posted on a few CG websites might drive some traffic here too.
Plus, since I animate with a Daz product I can post a link to the film and here over at Daz3D and still be within any TOS they might have for their forums.
At some point I would love to have a story written by a bunch of us here, using ships shared here and 'actor' figures hosted here - animated and sent out into the wild.
That would be kind of cool I think.
I have heard of forum project like this where it has disappeared in history because it gets too big.. but I think a the speed you work at .. it would be possible..
again if I was to have done .. I would have an orignal Idea and story .. not Trek or any TV /MOVIE .. create from scratch .. your then not stuck to any
idea other than yours..
A member of Colonial Fleets made a damn good short film .. (I think it was David Kerin) very will made and more fun because it was orignal. give that some thought
November 16th, 2008, 05:08 PM
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
My Fellow 3DGladiators.
I give you my word that this project IS going to see the light of day.
I am aware that 99% of you have not met me in person but I promise this is going to happen.
Trust a stranger and see what happens.
When I pull this off in small scale, perhaps we'll all make it happen in large scale.
Otherwise I'll do it my self and take all the credit.
Y'all won't like that now will ya?
I'm open to original material as well.
I have something written but I am open to something else too.
I think we can do this and make it happen.
I promise this - as an animator - if we can pull it together, I won't quit.
I just finished my 3rd beauty pass of the EG1701 and -woooooooo- it looks great.
I'll work up at leat 1 to 2 more shots tonight and share something tomorrow.
I'm going to look at some bridge designs and try my best to imagine which one would fit his ship.
Hey, I'm gonna make this little 5 minute film.
It's going to happen.
If it does then perhaps we can get a forum thing in the pipe.
...and thanks T for saying I work fast. - I try like Hell to get it out a.s.a.p because I want to see it in movie form.
Yet another edit!
Ok guys where is a shot bit with EG's ReImagined Connie.
There are 3 shots.
1) 5 hours to convert - 10 to animate (see earlier notes)
2) 4 hours to animate
3) 4 hours to animate
Due to the WMV compression I lost the aspect ratio of 720x480 but it still looks ok enough to share.
So - here's Evil Genius 180s ReImaged Constitution Class Starship played out in Carrara Pro 6.
I hope it doesn't suck.
http://wabashponies.com/dan/4EG.wmv (small dial up version)
Last edited by Fretslayer; November 16th, 2008 at 06:03 PM..
November 17th, 2008, 01:51 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Dublin
Posts: 4,918
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
animation look great ..
What you could do is to see if the group for the film was broken into parties ..
for the animators of character (you and others if possible)
for the animators of Space Scene. (Who ever)
split the work load.. fix the scale of the project or a bible so every one knows what going on.. and give it a time scale that everyone will be able to handle..
but I think you can do it..
November 17th, 2008, 07:56 AM
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
It all sounds good to me.
Lightwave is really awesome at space scenes I'd go with that for the ship shots.
I can use Lightwave for that stuff too.
If somebody else was doing the space shots and got backed up I could help with it.
I've done about 40 minutes or so (give or take) of Lightwave space animations.
If it matters I have v.9.
Today I'm shooting bridge scenes for the animation of EG's reImagined Enterprise.
Hopefully they'll come out looking cool.

November 17th, 2008, 08:30 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Dublin
Posts: 4,918
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
sound like a plan .. I am no animator .. my PC is just no good ,,
If you can find a good plan of a Klingon d7 bridge .. even TMP version I can have a go at building it
November 17th, 2008, 08:34 AM
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
I'll begin my search while my next scene is rendering.
I might just look now.
I'm using the ST:TMP 6 bridge INT for the bridge shots.
I may do some computer screen tweaks here and there but so far I think this bridge looks like a good match for EG's ship. Any thoughts?
I know this though - I can't use the ST2:TWoK bridge because that's the one I'm using for my animation with the Phase 2 ship.
Does this help?
(source: http://www.cygnus-x1.net/links/lcars...deck-plans.php )
Last edited by Fretslayer; November 17th, 2008 at 08:44 AM..
November 17th, 2008, 08:54 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Dublin
Posts: 4,918
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
Gives me an idea ... I have a copy of TMP .. I'll get some screen grabs
November 17th, 2008, 09:05 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
here is a BOP and D7 bridge ..
November 17th, 2008, 09:06 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
I was just there 
November 17th, 2008, 09:07 AM
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
Originally Posted by Taranis
I was just there 
Sick, isn't it?
At least we're on the same page.
Is that a helpful image?
I can keep looking if we need to.
November 17th, 2008, 09:15 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Dublin
Posts: 4,918
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
Well .. the easier bridge to build would be the Bird of Pray .. would that do .. or I can do a version of the TMP version
November 17th, 2008, 09:23 AM
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
Which ever you build I can write the story around.
I'm happy with either ship.
Both are cool looking to me.
If we do D-7 then does that limit us to Klingon only where as a BOP can be Klingon and/or Romulan?
Hey, you know what - I think we can go with the BOP bridge and if we want to stick it into a D7 ship, why not? We are using a ReImagined connie with a bridge that is from a TMP ship.
Alternate universe means we can do anything we like.

November 17th, 2008, 09:51 AM
3DG Forum Moderator
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Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
I just watched the animation (thanks for the .wmv version, I still need to get that media player that Kai suggested.) That's pretty friggin' cool, dude. Of all the models I've built, that one is nowhere near being my favorite (in fact, I don't like it very well) but you did an awesome job with it. What you did with the bussards is exactly what I'd imagined when I built them. 
November 17th, 2008, 10:01 AM
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
I'm doing a trippy custom bit on the nacells next.
I have a 'TNG' transporter effect that's an AVI file and it's meant to be mapped onto a plane. I'm going to map it and loop it onto the nacells and I think it's going to give them a really sick/cool look. Since the AVI will loop they'll always have this glowing 'movemt' to them. I have another clip that I showed Taranis this morming. It's 7mb at the moment but if you'd like I'll MWV it and pass it your way.
The clip is your ship in combat doing what I can only describe as an aggresive evasive maneuver. LOL!
...and BTW, it might not be your favorite ship but it does animate nicely and I think it'll really look good in this little 5 minute short. She's a better ship than ya give her credit for. 
November 17th, 2008, 10:08 AM
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Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
One of these days, I've gotta build a new one of those redesigned Connies (I'm also thinking of a nutty redesigned Daedalus.) I did a second version of the Connie but it's too much like the first one. I have yet to do one that has gotten me booed and griped at by Star Trek fans, (except I did get a little from the engineering hull) so I feel I haven't done a correct redesign yet. 
November 17th, 2008, 10:15 AM
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
You know, on your redesign I didn't like that shifted hull part...at first...Then once I had the ship imported into my software and I stated moving my cameras around it - I liked it.
I like the 'steering engines' if thats what they are.
...and if not, they are now!
November 17th, 2008, 10:28 AM
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
Ok here's a little test shot.
Sorry about the aspect ratio being off but for some reason when I make these WMV files in Microsoft Movie Maker it blows the 720x480 up and turns it into a stretch film effect.
Anyway - here's the clip. It's under 3MB so it shouldn't be too painful on the modem.
November 17th, 2008, 10:40 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Dublin
Posts: 4,918
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
Look good ...sound effects add to the feel of it
November 17th, 2008, 11:30 AM
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
I did the torpedo and phasers in post.
I don't really like the torpedo so when I reshoot the scene I'm going to try and come up with a better one.
I know that Lightwave makes perfect torpedos - I've done them before - they look exactly like the ones in the films.
Something I did with this shot though was I animated it with a moving red light and a blue light so that later when I 'painted' in the torpedo and the phaser, the ship would be illuminated by the proper color. Little things like that are cool I think.
Plus I still need to do running lights and some other stuff on the connie.
After I do a bit of work on the bridge I'll go back to the ship - when I do I'm going to try and experiment with the nacells. When I do I'll post a test shot and see what you guys think.
November 17th, 2008, 12:04 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Dublin
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Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
you have to post how you got the torpedo in lightwave
November 17th, 2008, 12:16 PM
Re: Casting Call for Animated Short
Originally Posted by Taranis
you have to post how you got the torpedo in lightwave
Ok will do.
I'll take a look through my backup DVDs because not only do I have an animation using it, I think I have the steps to create it.
It looks dead on to the ones in the film.
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