i do have an update for anyone thats been following this..
and it makes little sense to me but i'll do my best to explain it..
(from the begining..)
step 1, a month ago.. before my upgrade everything worked fine
and i had numiorus Archived Scenes of nicos defiant in my system
(when i make a good pic, i try to save the scene so i can learn from it..)
Step 2.. i get the system upgraded, after which everything except
nicos defiant works as it should.
when ever i would open nicos defiant i would get
"assertion failed, error in MNFace.cpp line 149"
(sometimes others, but that was the most)
Step 3. i get frustrated and last night i ask you guys and another board
for help, where i get several nice leads and suggestions..
Step 4. none of the great ideas end up paying off, so i get pissed off
and start -Bleeping- around with options in max, Upgrade video drivers
and bleep with them also..
Which leads me to where i am Now,
With The Defiant WORKING.. Why i don't know..
but heres how it goes..
I open The Original Nico Defiant V2.0 and i get that error message..
i make minor modifications to the defiant, Save it.. Open My Newly
Saved Version And It Works !..
Why i don't know.. but it does..
My Only Headache, is if it's doing this now, and working fine
and my system now acting almost as a converter for the dam thing..
then why did'nt my already converted files that work again now,
not work before and why i'm able to bring nicos original defiant from
a state of error bugs to operational... and i've lost my self.. o'boy.
O'well if anyone has an explanation for That..Let me know..
Thank You ALL For Trying To Help With Your Ideas..
(i love the defiant, but i want to do more then beauty shots..)
Thank you again..