Go, Thomas, Go! Since you've already modeled most of the museum ships, you have the easiest job of doing a scene with them all, I'm guessing. But there might also be some movie-era ships (Connie refit, Constellation, Excelsior, Oberth, and Miranda).
What I haven't quite worked out is the orientation of the docked ships. If the ships are backed in, as Enterprise D is in the sketch, we could see only the backs of the ships from the station and be forced to taked a travel pod out to see the front and sides of the ships (which people would do anyways). Maybe if the ships were berthed in such a way that their sides or front 3/4 could be seen from the station.
Other stuff this Annex needs are some big viewing windows, a shuttlebay, travelpod docks, and a gift shop. It should also have some places for workshops for maintenance. It wouldn't need too many communications antennae, since it's a decommisioned station.
Although the Museum exists in the 24th Century, I'm figuring the actually station dates from TOS/Pre-TOS. So it should have an old basic structure (should look contemporary with K-7 maybe or earlier) updated with some TNG-era doodads, like a few antennae, docking ports for larger ships, escape pods, etc. It should have the museum logo and the Starfleet logo on the side.