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Old December 13th, 2002, 03:22 PM   #1
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Default Alternatives

Since Moore is going to do another version of Battlestar Galactica, why does it have to be the Galactica?
After looking at
I came up with an alternative that could still be a reinvention of a sort.

Bored at work I came up with the following story. Sorry if the writing is not polished. I've only been at it for a couple of hours.

Please let me know what you think.

Battlestar Galactica: Legacies

Protector Vigilant
Heropolis System
7360.053 CY

In the softly lit command quarters of the Protector, Vigilant. An old Sagitarran with greying hair and tired eyes picks up his journal's recorder.

"Well Saphyr honey, things are finally starting to look up. The local governors are finally keeping their promises to chip in. I guess the Battle of Molecay woke up alot of people to the Cylon threat. While the Strategos may be leaving us out to dry, I've actually managed to get some more local sources for the parts and fuel the Startegos repeatedly forgets we need." Letting out a long sigh the commander leans back in his chair. He puffed on his fumarillo a few times before continuing.

"The latest batch of Battlestar flunkies are better than I had hoped for. Even got some veterans, because of Baltar's truce. How they will handle the rear end of space remains to be seen. I know you keep telling me to stop but I keep thinking of Adama's last words to me. The complete arrogance of the man still amazes me. Well I just hope the Cylons shove that "peace in our times" up Adar's butt. I know how hard its getting but I don't believe that the Cylons will ever accept peace until Battlestars are orbiting cylon."

"Sorry, can't help but still taking it personally. Stuck out here for five yarhen with ships that should have been scrapped twenty yarhen ago. That even a hulk like the Swordstar Rapier would be considered spaceworthy and part of my command is a joke. It has not been able to leave Heropolis III's orbit since before I was assigned here. Well, at least there are some bright spots."

"I am in awe of the miracles Sub-Commander Anshi has managed. Our fleet readiness has increased ten-fold since the incident between her an Baltar got her sent here. I still can't get her to open up to the rest of the staff. Maybe if Adar will finally give you some time off you can finally come out to visit me for once. Maybe she will open up to you since you've also had to deal with that bastard. Sub-Commander Jax says hi and thanks for the recipes. If you keep this up he will probably retire and open his own eatery."

"With the Protector Soveriegn finally passing its readiness trials it has gotten awfully quiet out here. Even the long range pirates have backed way off since we got another Protector actually running properly. Next week I'll be stuck at the Heropolis Guard Academy's graduation. Thank Kobol we don't have to rely on those kids. So its going to be a slow week all round, maybe I should try cooking some of those,"

Klaxon Blaring
"Amber alert, this is not a drill. Amber alert, crews report to stations."
Klaxon Blaring

"Well I guess some of those pirates changed their minds." The officer paused his recorder and activated the link built into his desk. "Core, this is Spartus, what do we have?" He could hear many voices in the background, it seemed the entire crew had been caught off guard.

"Commander, Cadet Tamot reporting. I picked up discharge readings on the edge of scan range. Alot of discharges, the vector is inbound from the Gorgon System." He could hear how nervous the kid was through the link. "I thought I should take us to amber just in case commander."

"Good call cadet, its usually better to be safe than sorry. By the way, who is the officer of the day and where is he?" I am going to personally roast that officer's daggit...

"Captain Herc said he had to check something in the med bay and would be back shortly commander." The commander smiled when he realized you can hear someone sweat thru a link. "He said I would be in charge until he returned commander." Great one of the new veteran transfers. It looked like he was going to have to make an example of one of the transfers sooner than he thought.

"Cadet, brief Core Staff as they arrive and have navigation plot an intercept course. As soon as we have a green light from engineering I want best speed towards those readings." Make it simple, don't want to overload the kid. "Also have operations coordinate so we don't lose any patrols that are out now. Good work son, Spartus out." Well maybe today will be interesting after all.

After a few minutes of getting into his duty uniform, the commander was enroute to the Core. The corridors were the busiest he had seen them in centars. Technicians, pilots, and even medtechs were rushing back and forth to their posts. A thought occured to the commander, "Well med bay is on the way, and knowing Doctor Jadera, Captain Herc may need my help." He chuckled as even at the end of the hall he could hear Jadera's trademark voice...


There in a corner with a completely out-of-uniform medtech was a hardly dressed colonial warrior. A very pale colonial warrior desperately trying to protect himself from an in-uniform doctor. A doctor swinging a laser scalpel at the area where she rightly guessed his 'navi-hilt' was located. At least the warrior was trying to explain himself, though not very well.

"Doctor, I swear I was just making my rounds when I thought it would be a good time to have a short physical! When I noticed the stunning beauty of Medtech Shalys, I was overcome with emotion! I in NO WAY intended to distract her from her duties!" That's when his desperate eyes saw Commander Spartus. "Sir, please explain to the Doctor what a simple missunderstanding this was!"

All eyes turned to the commander, even the tear-filled horribly embaressed eyes of Medtech Shalys. A momentary change in gravity and a louder background rumble let the Commander know the Vigilant was under way.

"I do not have time for this... Captain Herc, this is not acceptable behavior. Report to the flight deck now and take your clothes with you! I will speak with you later on whether you will remain a captain!" A quick "yessir," some cautious side-stepping, and the warrior was soon running full tilt for the fighter bay.

"Medtech Shalys, I apologize for the entire male half of humanity. However I would suggest you develop a thicker hide so you can resist the urges of pilots and yourself. Go to your quarters, get in uniform, and return to duty." A barely audible "yessir," some light patter of bare feet, and the Doctor was the only one left with the commander.

"Dammit Jadera, disengage your turbos, how long are you going to hold a grudge against every warrior because what's his name left you?"

"Starbuck, the bastard's name is Starbuck! Why can't you remember that!?!" The Doctor was still mad as hades, but at least her volume was dropping.

"I don't care what Adar might think. We are still at war, and I can't afford to lose a Doctor as good as you." Spartus rested his hands on a gurney and sighed in frustration. "Jadera, most people are selfish by nature, not by intent. Get over it, its been over a yahren since you came here, and this is still eating you up." The doctor would not even look at him as she sulkingly started cleaning up the mess caused by Herc's... physical.

Knowing that she was not listening anymore, the commander left the bay and watched the other medical staff outside the door scatter. "Kobol, I feel like a youth councelor." he said as he proceeded to Core Command.

Cadet Tamot was waiting for him as the bulkhead opened. "Commander on Deck!" the cadet shouted. No one paid attention to him as core crew concentrated on their stations.

"Carry on... Cadet... relax, we worry more about efficiency than formality here." He strode up to his command station where Sub-Commander Anshi waited for him. He noticed the cadet was still following him. "Report Tamot, what do you have so far?"

All the commander could think of was that he was never that young. "Commander, after the initial readings I continued to refine the traces we picked up. Highest probablility is that a large craft or several small ships entered the system on a vector from Gorgon engaged in combat. Analysis is consistent with the output of fighter-scale weaponry. We should reach detailed scan range in less than nine centons." You could almost see the pride glowing off the cadet.

"Well done Cadet, report to your officer for further duties. Dismissed." The commander hadn't seen a salute that precise since his academy days. "If he tempers his entusiasm he will be a good officer someday." Sitting down at his console he turned to Anshi. "Well, what do you think?"

"I think we are going to run headlong into a Basestar on a raid, or a Battlestar on a live fire exercise." Anshi ran her hands thru her short spiked hair and straightened her tunic. "Considering how often the Strategos remembers we even exist its probably an exercise." The commander nodded as Anshi added, "For it to be a Basestar this far back on that vector the colonies would have had to have been overrun." Several officers within earshot stopped dead in their tracks. No one wanted to even consider that possability.
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Old December 13th, 2002, 03:22 PM   #2
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"Let's not fire our guns before were even out of the launch tube, Sub-Commander. With my luck Adama is bored and wants to rub his disdain of me in a little bit." That got the nearby crew back to work with only a lingering sense of worry.

"Sir! Recieving a transmission. It's the Battlestar Ares and she is under attack!" The whole deck went silent as what that meant sank in. "Pipe it to my station NOW Lieutenant!" The commander turned to his primary flatscreen as a picture from hades came through.

"Repeat... to any ship that receives <cough> this transmission. This is the Battlestar Ares, it was a trap. Baltar betrayed us to the Cylons. It was a <cough> trap. Over a thousand raiders... <cough,cough> where waiting for us. Most of the Battlestars didn't even get the chance to launch vipers." As she started hacking the commander noticed fires and scorched consoles behind the young woman. Her blonde hair was singed and had quite a bit of dried blood in it. As she wiped some blood from her bruised face she continued...

"A few ships made it back to Gorgon. We tried to get to the colonies but the Cylons were already there. Sagitarra is burning, all the colonies are burning and its all our fault!" An explosion, brought a scream from someone off scream. "Please we need help, Basestars have reached Gorgon and they <cough> won't hold out for long. Forget us, the raiders that followed us won't take long to finish what they started at Cimtar. Gorgon needs help! Repeat..." Anshi calmly reached down and cut the link.

Anshi rested her hand on commandre's shoulder. "It is a recorded message commander. There may be no one alive on the Ares anymore." Spartus could here some of the deck crew beginning to cry. One thought refused to let itself be silenced... "Saphyr is on Sagitarra."

One of the core crew looked up at the Commander. "Sir, what do we do?"

From deep down in a place even his soul feared to go, a fire began burning. As visions of his wife burning on Sagitarra haunted his mind's eye, the commander gathered the strength to stand.

"What do we do Lieutenant? What we do is make them PAY!" The lieutenant flinched back from the hatred in his commander's voice. "Sub-Commander Anshi, launch all Vipers and go to red alert! Communications, priority burst to Heropolis and all ships, 'the truce was a trap, rendezvous at Herpolis.' Navigation, flank speed to the Ares. Then plot a course for Gorgon." As the bridge roused from its shock to follow his orders his first officer Anshi whispered in his ear, "Sir, what do we do if we're all that's left..?"

He turned to his stoic aide and looked at the tears in her eyes. "We kill them Anshi. We kill them all..."
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