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Old January 21st, 2003, 08:50 PM   #1
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Default The Countess

The Countess or the Goddess (working title) is a low budget Vampire film shot here in Montreal in the summer of 2001. We have taken a long time in editing and what have you, but we are about to release finally.

Check out the above link (which includes a trailer). I did a little acting in it (and helped with the writing, audio, production, ADed, etc. . . ah indie film lets you wear a lot of hats).

Take a look, have a chuckle, what have you, just remember we made it for only $5000 Canadian (so like $3000 US) and begged, borrowed or stole (kidding) most everything we needed.

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Old January 22nd, 2003, 10:42 AM   #2
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I should warn you that there is nudity in this trailer and mature subjects.

This trailer is not yet rated.

Come on guys, someone say something about it.
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Old January 22nd, 2003, 12:49 PM   #3
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Okay, the concept of "everyone who's seen this film, has died" sorta makes me think of the Ring. (Though I have yet to see that yet). The trailer is slightly tacky, no offence to tacky, I just mean the words, but that's because of budget, so I won't hold it against you.

I actually, although I hate horror movies, it does sorta reel me in, the opening scenes are good, the heartbeats, the dance music is good on the other scenes, and the voice over of the guy telling the main character about the film.

Now, its interesting concept, but as I say, the only thing that kept on going through my mind was "THE RING", "THE RING", "THE RING"! I seems good, but I didn't like the end bit of the trailer, maybe it showed too much of what I was going to see, or it showed me something rubbish which I didn't want to see. Either way, I was excited by the intro, the guy telling about the film sounded cool, I think I started loosing my excitement about the film with the guy, with the horrible mask, and the knife.

That's my honest opinion, you wanted one, there we are. BTW, I'm doubtful whether I'd pay per view. Only because I can live without seeing it. If it was free (which is doubtful), then I'd watch just to see what it was about.

Good luck with the project.
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Old January 22nd, 2003, 01:02 PM   #4
General Phoenix
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Not bad at all, considering the budget you had to work with.

My only suggestion would be to increase the video quality of the trailer, since that is the best advertisement you're going to have.

Drop me an e-mail sometime - as an independent filmmaker myself (I'm currently fleshing out the script for my first film) I'd love to talk shop.
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Old January 22nd, 2003, 11:50 PM   #5
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Originally posted by moovok
Okay, the concept of "everyone who's seen this film, has died" sorta makes me think of the Ring. (Though I have yet to see that yet). The trailer is slightly tacky, no offence to tacky, I just mean the words, but that's because of budget, so I won't hold it against you.
Wow I never even thought of the Ring. We shot this in 2001, so it is safe to say we had never even heard of that movie, but now that you point it out, I can see how the relation would be drawn.

Originally posted by moovok
I actually, although I hate horror movies, it does sorta reel me in, the opening scenes are good, the heartbeats, the dance music is good on the other scenes, and the voice over of the guy telling the main character about the film.
Ha, that guy is me, so I say thanks for that Overall it is a good trailer, but we made it with an offline. We want to Davinchi the digital video (which makes it look like film) and then cut a new one.

Originally posted by moovok
I seems good, but I didn't like the end bit of the trailer, maybe it showed too much of what I was going to see, or it showed me something rubbish which I didn't want to see. Either way, I was excited by the intro, the guy telling about the film sounded cool, I think I started loosing my excitement about the film with the guy, with the horrible mask, and the knife.
Fair enough.

Originally posted by moovok
That's my honest opinion, you wanted one, there we are. BTW, I'm doubtful whether I'd pay per view. Only because I can live without seeing it. If it was free (which is doubtful), then I'd watch just to see what it was about.
Fair enough and honesty is always appreciated

Originally posted by moovok
Good luck with the project.
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Old January 22nd, 2003, 11:53 PM   #6
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Originally posted by General Phoenix
Not bad at all, considering the budget you had to work with.
Certainly it played a big factor, but even then, when I watch the whole film I still am blown awa by what we did with so little.

Originally posted by General Phoenix
My only suggestion would be to increase the video quality of the trailer, since that is the best advertisement you're going to have.
Once we get a remaster done we should have a better quality version available, but in the end we are just a small indie company

Originally posted by General Phoenix
Drop me an e-mail sometime - as an independent filmmaker myself (I'm currently fleshing out the script for my first film) I'd love to talk shop.
Feel free to drop me an e-mail at aslanc@netaxis.ca So long as don't talk scripts. It would be wrong for me to discuss your ideas as I would be liable for any ideas that I present that might come close to yours.

But I am always glad to talk the biz
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Old January 23rd, 2003, 06:23 AM   #7
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I would comment, but I am unable to see it. Firewall I guess.
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Old January 23rd, 2003, 01:24 PM   #8
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Originally posted by AslanC
Wow I never even thought of the Ring. We shot this in 2001, so it is safe to say we had never even heard of that movie, but now that you point it out, I can see how the relation would be drawn.
Ring was also a Japanese horror movie as well, just to let you know, was released way before the US' version. Anyway, got myself a digital camcorder now, so I'll be making videos and making my home movie of my New York experience.

Mike vs New York
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Old April 1st, 2003, 01:05 PM   #9
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