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Old February 22nd, 2003, 06:05 PM   #1
Mike's Avatar
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Default Scaran typology

They've gone over this a few times on Farscape before, but I need to outline it here. Now exactly what type of Scarans have we seen? And what kind of Scaran did we see in "Prayer". As far as I can tell, there are three-types. Two horse-head, one with a smaller mouth, and one humanoid. The humanoid kind, as I believe we saw last night, is part of the ruling class?
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Old February 22nd, 2003, 07:40 PM   #2
Arrghman's Avatar
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Indeed, he reminded me a lot of the one from "I Shrink"... except not in that funky suit. And he pretty much came out and said he was a ruler.

The other two are also given roles... the 'original' Scarren with the larger mouth is special ops Scarren... we saw one mucking things up at the Royal planet, using the mind-probe-thing on John, sneaking onboard Talyn in advance of a dreadnaught.

The thrid type with the smaller mouth and glowing eyes is the solider type... like the one in "Fractures", who was apparently a POW and the one guarding the leader one in "Beacon".
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Old March 7th, 2003, 09:19 PM   #3
Arrghman's Avatar
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Spoilers for Screwed Part 3: La Bomba


So I was explaining to one of my roommates about the different types of Scarrens after we watched this ep the other day, and a thought occured to me. We've been assuming, thus far, that the different types of Scarrens are a result of genetic engineering of some sort. But... now we know about the flower. According to Harvey, the Scarrens would have died out long ago if it wasn't for it and I got the impression that its forcing them to evolve.

So, since the different types of Scarrens are based on different classes, perhaps the amount of flower each class gets dictates its appearance as well as other attributes?

The warrior Scarrens look less evolved and are presumably not as intellegent. (Tiny eyes, smaller head)

The special-ops Scarrens (who we've seen now as high level guards) look somewhat more evolved and are more intellegent. (larger eyes and head, suited for more complex tasks)

The ruling class Scarrens look the most evolved and are the most intellegent. (near humanoid, very intellegent)

So the warrior Scarrens get less flower, the special-ops guys get more and the ruling guys get the most... which determines both their appearance and intellegence.

Just some thoughts...
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Old March 7th, 2003, 10:59 PM   #4
Vertigo1's Avatar
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What's interesting is that when you take out their heat glands they turn....white.
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