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Old February 6th, 2011, 02:33 AM   #1
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Default Increasing The Knowledge base

One of the things I am trying to do here is to increasing The Knowledge base, in site that is.

For example at the moment I am writing a tutorial for the Classic Enterprise a model I have
never completed myself, bty. but I have nearly 7 chapters and nearly 160 images made so far
for it.

Now some of you may know that we have a number tutorials here. its on the same line as where
the Gallery and Downloads can be found on the top of the webpage.
there you will find tutorials for many programs lightwave, Truespace, but we want more there.
we have no DAZ no Poser. we will have some Blender tutorials soon. but I want to add more.

At the moment you will find a short tutorial by by Chris Martin aka EG180 for the Constellation
class B-C Deck in Truespace 4 plus I think. (thanks Chris for sharing it) I should say that Chris
also mentions in the Tutorial that some knowledge of TS is required.

Ok what am I babbling about: Babble
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Old February 6th, 2011, 02:40 AM   #2
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Default Re: Increasing The Knowledge base

Well What I am looking for is to find all those that have different
skills in different programs for modelling or Texturing or animations, whatever!! and
build the Knowledge base here.

As much as possible.

1. how to model in different programs
2. how to texture a model in different programs
3. how to create a texture in different programs like Photoshop or Gimp and more.
4. how to start animating in multiple programs

the list would go on but you get the idea.

this is a long term plan as we all have real life to live. but if you have
any ideas for this or know tutorials that could be hosted here "with permission"
post them here.

or if you want to volunteer some tuts post them here and one of the staff will chat with you
about it.
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Old February 7th, 2011, 01:07 PM   #3
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Default Re: Increasing The Knowledge base

Calling any Photoshop or Gimp or similar program users to make a short tutorial as to how to create a texture pattern for the USS ENTERPRISE classic series.

I mean the very basics of how to do it.

1. Creating the Saucer or Primary hull texture
2. Creating the Neck and the Secondary hull texture
3. Creating the Nacelles hull texture

who is up for that ?
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Old February 7th, 2011, 09:18 PM   #4
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Default Re: Increasing The Knowledge base

Originally Posted by Taranis View Post
Calling any Photoshop or Gimp or similar program users to make a short tutorial as to how to create a texture pattern for the USS ENTERPRISE classic series.

I mean the very basics of how to do it.

1. Creating the Saucer or Primary hull texture
2. Creating the Neck and the Secondary hull texture
3. Creating the Nacelles hull texture

who is up for that ?
What exactly do you mean by USS Enterprise classic? Hull paneling, no hull paneling? Grid lines, no grid lines? Modeled signage or textured signage? Obviously, a buttload of weathering but everything else needs clarification.
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Old February 8th, 2011, 12:56 AM   #5
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Default Re: Increasing The Knowledge base

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 View Post
What exactly do you mean by USS Enterprise classic? Hull paneling, no hull paneling? Grid lines, no grid lines? Modeled signage or textured signage? Obviously, a buttload of weathering but everything else needs clarification.

your right should have been clearer, .NCC-1701

Whatever way or detail the person doing the tutorial wants to put into it.
But it would be great to have:
Hull Paneling
Grid Lines
Textured signage.
weathering is also good.
these are all the things I cannot do myself in a texture so for grid lines
and the sign-age etc. I normally model every thing.

one of the reasons I thought about this is, that most of us, esp those starting out cannot afford the likes of Photoshop. Gimp is free as you know (you are the first person that mentioned the program to me).

but I would like to see (if possible) some nice tutorials on this subject.

I mean (and you know this better then most) everyone that gets into cgi modelling takes on the Classic Enterprise TOS sooner or later. . in my case its later, some years later in fact.
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Old February 8th, 2011, 04:44 AM   #6
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Default Re: Increasing The Knowledge base

addition: I would try for a tutorial myself but I don´t have photo-shop and Gimp is still a mystery to me, and I don´t
at the moment have the time to give it to learn.

(I`d never finish my Enterprise Tutorial which is over 7 chapter so far and 160 images, and I have only finished the Primary Hull shape, never mind the detailing . in fact I am wondering what would be best now for the tutorial.

Do I show how to detail right away or finish the over all design and in later chapters show the detailing aspects. Tenement is giving it ago and I hope will find any areas that I need to build on more or explain better (most likely) as I am no writer.)

Again that what this thread is for. to build a better knowledge base for us. instead of sending members to other sites.

Like your experience building in Truespace and i know blender is still a new program to you. but your One of the most prolific Trek modelers I know.

and you create you own textures and they look great on the models I know as I look at your converted models a lot when getting them into Lightwave.

So I am hoping that we can really build on the tutorials here

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