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February 12th, 2011, 04:19 PM
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404 not found page
To whom it may concern:
When people go to visit a link to a download item and they get this page ... this is not very nice.
People think then that either the website is gone, or the download is gone.
I used to write webpages ... you can indicate on the 404 page that if people are looking for a download that they need to sign in first, then click on that link to get to the page ... because the page for which this 404 image is from ... does so exist on the server.
Thank you.
February 13th, 2011, 08:52 AM
3DG Forum Moderator
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Re: 404 not found page
On the other hand, sometimes you get a 404 for no other reason than your ISP or web browser messed up. Other times it's server traffic, LAN traffic, phases of the moon, whatever. Sometimes you just get them seemingly for no reason. I get them from time to time and hitting "reload" or "back" and then re-clicking the link works.
So, did you get a 404 trying to DL something on this site or is this just a pet peeve of yours?
February 13th, 2011, 10:54 AM
Formerly "Warrior" The Last Starfighter Owner
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Re: 404 not found page
Originally Posted by evil_genius_180
So, did you get a 404 trying to DL something on this site or is this just a pet peeve of yours?
This I'd like to know, because "viewtopic" doesn't match our Downloads set-up. Did you click a link from another site, or what?
"Don't worry, miss. I've got you." "You got me? Who's got you???" - from Superman- The Movie
"Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make." - from Shrek
" If not for TOS, then there would be no Trek movies, TNG, DS9, Voyager or 'Enterprise'. "
"Legends never die... They just get new Captains."
"The art of scape goating interests me." - Dauntless
February 13th, 2011, 05:16 PM
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Re: 404 not found page
No I'm not stating a "pet peeve" ... thank you.
That page is arrived at by clicking on a link for one of the items I have uploaded here. The link is to the item's page.
If I'm signed in, I get the item's page. If I visit other websites and come back via that link, then I get the 404 'cause presumably the cookie got trashed ... doesn't matter.
The point is that said 404 page is what "the world" is getting whenever they click on a link - presumably to anybody's item in the download area - and certainly it's happening to mine as people were commenting that it had been removed. So I checked it out 'cause I know I didn't remove the item. And no, it's there. So okay ...
People in other forums post links to pages they'd like their readers to find. It advertizes the site and is good all around for everybody. The requirement to be signed in before viewing items in the download area and then to try the link again is all I'm asking for to be put on this 404 page.
People can link to the Homepage ... but there's not exactly a clear cut route to anybody's individual items for download. Personally I love the sites wherein I can view LONG pages of thumbnails to pick and choose which items I'm interested in viewing and/or downloading. Some require signing in first ... and they bump any request to such a page to their signup page and then return one to the referring link. They are stores, they don't wish to lose customers by letting them think any product no longer exists on their servers.
So, wherever it is on your server that 404 page ... "please sign in and then retry the link you clicked to get here". And include a link to the sign in form ... would help folk not get so frustrated with trying to use this site that they write me and tell me my stuff is no longer posted here.
Zokay ... thank you.
copy/paste this link to your text editor:
Then sign out of this forum, clear the cache, history, etc of your browser.
Open the browser and paste that link into the address bar and hit enter.
You will get this 404 page.
Last edited by catherine3678a; February 13th, 2011 at 05:22 PM..
Reason: adding link
February 13th, 2011, 05:43 PM
Formerly "Warrior" The Last Starfighter Owner
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Re: 404 not found page
This is what I got (see attachment)
As I said in my reply, dloads/viewtopic.php (per your screen grab) is NOT a part of the Downloads URL set-up, so if you got that 404 message, then the URL was wrong, period.
Logged in or out, doesn't matter. if the URL is right, you'll get the attachment I show, or the actual page.
If the URL is wrong, then your screen grab comes up.
"Don't worry, miss. I've got you." "You got me? Who's got you???" - from Superman- The Movie
"Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make." - from Shrek
" If not for TOS, then there would be no Trek movies, TNG, DS9, Voyager or 'Enterprise'. "
"Legends never die... They just get new Captains."
"The art of scape goating interests me." - Dauntless
February 13th, 2011, 07:45 PM
3DG Forum Moderator
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Re: 404 not found page
I got the same thing Warrior got. In 4 different web browsers, Konqueror, Rekonq, Midori and my usual browser, Chromium. Each was a link here that completed, no 404. Now, back to what I said, you probably experienced a brief brain fart on the part of either your browser, your ISP, the web site or its server.
I used to be and admin here, so I've approved lots of uploads and I know that the pages for the uploads are automatically generated and signed by the gallery management software. So, the only reason to get a 404 on this site is one of the above reasons.
February 14th, 2011, 01:20 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Re: 404 not found page
As I am not tactical in web aspects. I cannot help.
February 14th, 2011, 05:45 AM
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Re: 404 not found page
Well I showed you the page we're getting over here.
MY ISP is the major one for North America, i.e. Rogers. I don't know which ISP the others are using.
My usual browser is Firefox ... I don't know the browsers the others were using, but it's commonly either Firefox or I.E.
I have noticed that some security software programs also reroute stuff through their servers so that may or not be the issue here ... as again I don't know which securities are used by the other folk who are also getting this 404 page.
404 pages AFAIK can also be generated as a general catchall for ANY reason a requested page can't be shown.
That a 404 page shows up is not what I'm expecting/hoping to see changed ... systems are systems, gas or no.
What I'm suggesting is that ON your 404 page, some additional text be written. That's all. ty
February 14th, 2011, 05:52 AM
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Re: 404 not found page
Originally Posted by Warrior
This is what I got (see attachment)
As I said in my reply, dloads/viewtopic.php (per your screen grab) is NOT a part of the Downloads URL set-up, so if you got that 404 message, then the URL was wrong, period.
Logged in or out, doesn't matter. if the URL is right, you'll get the attachment I show, or the actual page.
If the URL is wrong, then your screen grab comes up.
The URL was CORRECT. I have in the past seen the page you're showing, but that isn't what shows now. Where or what the glitch is, I don't know ... however or for whatever reason it is that people are now getting the 404 page ... if you don't want people giving up on the site, I'd highly recommend adding some text to the 404 and possibly matching it to the website's design so it's very obvious that yes the site is up, etc.
February 14th, 2011, 06:09 AM
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Re: 404 not found page
This 404 page ... now shown with the "correct" url [cause it works just fine when I'm logged in] ... you know, I don't go around assuming certain matters about others and don't appreciate that you do. As you weren't expecting a 404 page to come up, and now know that one does for others ... ball is in your court. Either somebody over there can address the issue [as in fix the problem not attack the messengers] or add text to the 404 page -- which is a good idea anyway, like you know, for next time ;-)
The time wasted on this on my part ... is the time I had to upload more stuff for your site. Time, like money, can only be spent once.
Last edited by catherine3678a; February 14th, 2011 at 06:12 AM..
Reason: .png
February 14th, 2011, 07:52 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Dublin
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Re: 404 not found page
catherine I don´t think anyone is trying to attack you in this. and if you feel so I am sorry.
Your time was not wasted.
If these is a glitch it will I am sure be looked into.
but as a not technical, could it be caused by an off site problem.
we certainly listen to our members and wish to give them the best experience possible while been here.
February 14th, 2011, 08:46 AM
3DG Forum Moderator
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Re: 404 not found page
I'm using AT&T high-speed internet, (DSL) the OS I was using last night was Linux Mint 10, I'm currently running Fedora 14 (also Linux.) I just tried your URL in Firefox, still got the same screen I did before. Certainly not trying to attack you, it's just odd is all. You shouldn't be getting a 404, the fact that you are indicates a serious problem somewhere. I'm just not sure where, so I was listing possibilities.
Originally Posted by catherine3678a
I don't know the browsers the others were using, but it's commonly either Firefox or I.E.
Don't forget Google Chrome, (AKA Chromium) it's pretty popular these days. In fact, I either run Google Chrome or its open-source version, Chromium, for all of my web needs. 
February 14th, 2011, 09:30 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Dublin
Posts: 4,918
Re: 404 not found page
I just tried the link that catherine posted and I got the same error using
Firefox when I copied it into the Address bar (also with Internet explorer).
but when I clicked onto the link no problem was encountered
now when I when to the image location in question and copy the url and
do the very some thing.
No problem......
February 14th, 2011, 12:33 PM
Formerly "Warrior" The Last Starfighter Owner
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Re: 404 not found page
Ok... look at Catherines second screen grab and tell me what's wrong there.
Can't figure it out? Ok. I'll tell ya... the URL is truncated. it's not the full URL.
Look at the URL Taranis posted... the forums trunciate it.
So... it's not the URL itself.... it's WHERE the URL is posted and copied/clicked on.
When you click on that link, look in the location bar in your browser, and see if it is trunciated.
Diffrent Forum scrpts handle URL's differently.
Catherine, can you post where the link is posted? Not the "bad" URL, but the page where the "bad" URL is posted.
(and NO ONE is attacking anyone. We want to get to the bottom of the problem)
Also, if we start putting "Your not logged in, etc" on the 404, well, that would not be true, because not all pages here require you to be logged in to view it.
Sometimes the page just flat out is not there because the URL is REALLY old, or has been moved, etc.
"Don't worry, miss. I've got you." "You got me? Who's got you???" - from Superman- The Movie
"Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make." - from Shrek
" If not for TOS, then there would be no Trek movies, TNG, DS9, Voyager or 'Enterprise'. "
"Legends never die... They just get new Captains."
"The art of scape goating interests me." - Dauntless
February 14th, 2011, 01:56 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Re: 404 not found page
Originally Posted by Warrior
Ok... look at Catherines second screen grab and tell me what's wrong there.
Can't figure it out? Ok. I'll tell ya... the URL is truncated. it's not the full URL.
Look at the URL Taranis posted... the forums trunciate it.
its a whole new language "truncated" had to look that one up

February 14th, 2011, 02:33 PM
3DG Forum Moderator
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Re: 404 not found page
No wonder I wasn't getting that error. I was right-clicking on the link in Chrome and selecting "copy link address." That copies the whole link, as opposed to selecting the truncated text and copying that.
February 14th, 2011, 02:47 PM
Join Date: Aug 2004
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Re: 404 not found page
are you guys trying to confuse me
its working arrrrg

February 14th, 2011, 05:27 PM
3DG Forum Moderator
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Re: 404 not found page
Originally Posted by Taranis
are you guys trying to confuse me
its working arrrrg

February 15th, 2011, 04:31 AM
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Re: 404 not found page
I heard an expression one day ... seems to fit so nicely for so many occasions ... this being one of them:
Oh vey!!!
Okay now ... it is not working ... it is not consistent ...
1. Technically I could post links to where I put them in the Daz Forum but they are NOT truncated ... they appear as I put them in, which is how I get them from the product page. I attached a copy of screenshots for you.
2. what I did do today was post a message with the "breadcrumb trail" for how to find it.
3. The first time this morning that I got the 404 page ... the url was so long it's not all displayed.
4. The 2nd 404 page I got has a much shorter url displayed.
5. Enjoy the picture show:
February 15th, 2011, 04:36 AM
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Re: 404 not found page
Originally Posted by Warrior
Catherine, can you post where the link is posted? Not the "bad" URL, but the page where the "bad" URL is posted.
Was going to, but their forum today (?reason - not supposed to) was making people sign in first. So posted a screenshot for you.
The url is the very same as the one on the product page ... not truncated.
February 15th, 2011, 09:59 AM
Formerly "Warrior" The Last Starfighter Owner
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Re: 404 not found page
Again though... read what the URL is on those 404 pages.... it's showing "viewtopic.php", which we do NOT use here in the Downloads URL hierarchy
So it's the DAZ forums that are doing that somehow.
OR... if the URL text is highlighted, copied and pasted into the Location Bar, then it's possible it's either not being copied completely (ie, not copying the end of the URL or beginning of the URL), or the previous URL that was in the Location Bar isn't completely erased.
I went to the DAZ forums, found the thread, looked at it, clicked on the URL, etc. Everything works as it should. When the actual URL is used.
"Don't worry, miss. I've got you." "You got me? Who's got you???" - from Superman- The Movie
"Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make." - from Shrek
" If not for TOS, then there would be no Trek movies, TNG, DS9, Voyager or 'Enterprise'. "
"Legends never die... They just get new Captains."
"The art of scape goating interests me." - Dauntless
February 15th, 2011, 12:57 PM
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Re: 404 not found page
Originally Posted by Warrior
Again though... read what the URL is on those 404 pages.... it's showing "viewtopic.php", which we do NOT use here in the Downloads URL hierarchy
So it's the DAZ forums that are doing that somehow.
OR... if the URL text is highlighted, copied and pasted into the Location Bar, then it's possible it's either not being copied completely (ie, not copying the end of the URL or beginning of the URL), or the previous URL that was in the Location Bar isn't completely erased.
I went to the DAZ forums, found the thread, looked at it, clicked on the URL, etc. Everything works as it should. When the actual URL is used.
Why it's working for you, and not for everybody is a good question. It works for me IF I'm signed in ... it gives me the 404 page if I'm not signed in. One thing that has been crossing my mind is that Firefox has all these script stoppers on it ... "maybe" it's stopping something from sending one from the Daz page to the Signup page. I know it doesn't like something called "cross-scripting" whatever that is.
No it's not the Daz forums doing something 'cause I can get that just going at the link from a Google plain page ... but if it's not this forum's page either then it has to be an in-between party which would bring us all back to ISPs, countries borders (whatever/however they do what they do) or the security software companies -- all out of our collective control ... which I guess, leaves this all up in the air ... maybe Microsoft or somebody knows what's going on.
Gets it gets to become a "pet peeve" for now.//
June 25th, 2011, 06:12 PM
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Re: 404 not found page
I'm posting this here 'cause somebody has been taking posts from this forum and posting them elsewhere. Kindly cut that out.
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