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Old April 21st, 2001, 09:58 AM   #1
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Default Three days left **rant alert**

Well, not really a rant, but more than a little disappointed. I started this script contest because of the popularity of this forum, yet there's only been one submission out of it, John Harris' "Family Ties". I'd like to know why that is?

This is your big chance to actually see your fan fic be something more than a text story, but no one except John (and hopefully Darrell, though he has been ominously silent ) had the guts to go through the process. Was it *that* intimidating?

It's all spilt milk now, of course, hence the tounge-in-cheek rant, but I thought it might be exciting for you guys, who often get so little respect for your work, to have a mechanism for seeing your ideas put into motion.

If we ever do this again, and you're intimidated because you've never done it before, take a tip from John; he'd never (as far as I know) written a script before, but he persevered and managed to get a pretty nice script out of his stories. You're not left to sink or swim in this; there are members of this forum willing to help you.

Just a note for the future,


p.s. And we still need help on the production-side of things. If you register to help out, you get to vote on the winner. Register by Monday, 11pm PST in the Script Contest thread: http://www.3dgladiators.net/forums/u...ML/000001.html
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Old April 21st, 2001, 02:58 PM   #2
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I regret to say that I would have done this. Unfortunately, I'm swamped with make-up school work that I need to get done. I've been out of school for nine weeks with a nasty little stomach problem. If you want to hold up and wait for me for another week, I'll see what I can put together.

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Old April 21st, 2001, 03:08 PM   #3
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Darrell has decided to extend it a week (probably because he's in much the same situation with his submission, if for different reasons) so there is hope if some of you want to take a wack at it. As I said, there are people willing and able to help get you started.

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Old April 21st, 2001, 06:03 PM   #4
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Well... It's not my first script. I submitted one to TNG way back when (they rejected it, of course), and I've taken a whack at a couple others. But this is the first one that has even a ghost of a chance at getting made...

BTW: If it does get made, do I get a neat little pic under my name?

John H. Harris

The man behind STAR TREK: Tales of the Marshal Martz

[This message has been edited by Capt-SirJohn (edited 21 April 2001).]
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